ICT Teacher Professional Development Programme K611 - Prof. Umemoto 4/11/2019 ICT Teacher Professional Development Programme Level II - Knowledge Deepening POLICY UNDERSTANDING October 23, 2017 Andre Saito - Knowledge management
Knowledge Deepening: Level II
Module I Policy Understanding CURRICULAR GOALS Understand policies in order to design lesson plans, implement school policies and address high priority problems in schools TEACHER COMPETENCIES Develop in-depth knowledge of national policies that impact education Design, modify and implement school/classroom practices that support national/school policies
Module 1 - Policy Understanding Explain and analyze various issues that arise in implementing policies and principles in schools 1. Consider the issues that arise when attempting to implement ICT policies in your school; identify opportunities for implementation and potential obstacles. 2. Analyze advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to implementing ICT policy objectives
MoE’s ICT in Education Vision The National ICT in Education Vision -: To provide 21st century technology-enabled learning environments that integrate information and communication technologies (ICTs) into administration and teaching and learning.
ICT in Education Vision Greater creativity and innovation Augmented critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making skills Enhanced digital citizenship and life skills acquisition Higher levels of student engagement and well-being Greater usage of ICT tools and techniques Enhanced communication, collaboration, and seamless information flow Technology optimisation and effective systems implementation ICT Teacher Training Programme 2017 - 2018
ICT in Education – Desired Outcomes
ICT in Education Policy Framework The ICT in Education Policy Framework lists five (5) core dimensions of ICT usage and implementation in the education sector; Connecting with the World, Interacting with Each Other, Teaching and Learning with ICT, Capacity Building with ICT, and Managing with ICT.
ICT in Education Policy Framework Connecting with the World Interacting with Each Other Teaching and Learning with ICT Capacity Building with ICT Managing with ICT Availability and Connectivity Policy Social Media Policy ICT Pedagogy Integration Policy Teacher Training and Development Policy Education Management Systems Policy Inclusiveness and Equity Policy Cyber-Bullying Policy Flexible Delivery Policy Continuous Improvement Policy Learning Management Systems Policy Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy Data Privacy Policy Mobile Learning Policy Open Educational Resources Policy ICT Asset Management Policy Green Computing Policy Data Security Policy Game-based Learning Policy Technology Enabled Learning Environments Policy Value for Money ICT Procurement Policy Internet Usage Policy Responsible Use Policy Free/Libre/Open Source Software Policy Fit-for-Purpose ICT Policy
Samples of ICT in Education Policies for Analysis and Discussion ICT Policies Samples of ICT in Education Policies for Analysis and Discussion Teachers discuss impact of policies in their respective school environments Teachers propose amendments, additions, omissions, improvements to the policies Teachers propose OPERATIONAL policies to operationalize these STRATEGIC policies
Bring Your Own Device Policy (BYOD) The Ministry of Education will -: Allow students to bring their own personal electronic devices to school for educational purposes. These devices include but are not restricted to laptop computers, tablets, iPads, digital cameras and smartphones. Assist schools in the provision of security measures, including surveillance systems that will facilitate an environment in which staff and students can provide for the security of students’ personal devices at schools. Set out guidelines for the acceptable and ethical use of staff and student-owed devices on the school compound. Parents and guardians must assent to these guidelines before students’ personal devices can be brought to school.
Bring Your Own Device Policy (BYOD) The Ministry of Education will -: Proactively assess and militate against the potential risks associated with connecting student-owned devices to the school’s ICT network and infrastructure. Provide the technical support needed to allow staff and student-owed devices to be utilised safely and appropriately. Assist schools in the provision of adequate bandwidth, Wi-Fi connectivity, power outlets, and storage/charging facilities to meet the demands of additional personal digital devices in schools.
Mobile Phone (Cellular Phone) Policy The Ministry of Education will -: Endorse the use of MHECDs in schools, when such use supports effective curriculum delivery and/or education administration. Require that mobile phones be used on the school compound only under the supervision of a teacher/administrator in a productive teaching and learning environment Require that students be debarred from using mobile phones during class time unless authorized and supervised by a teacher. Insist that mobile phones be switched off upon entering the school compound.
Mobile Phone (Cellular Phone) Policy The Ministry of Education will -: Support schools’ operational policies that require the collection of students’ mobile phones for safe reception during the school day and subsequent distribution to students at the end of the school day. Insist that MHECDs be used responsibly at all times while on the school compound. Safeguard the rights of teachers, administrators and visitors on the school compound. MHECDs should not be used to record class sessions unless teachers / presenters grant express written permission.
Mobile Phone (Cellular Phone) Policy The Ministry of Education will -: Safeguard the privacy of all personnel on the school compound and forbid the use of MHECDs in changing rooms, toilets and any location that may cause embarrassment or discomfort to other students and staff. Inform parents that students remain responsible for all their personal effects while at school and that the school takes no responsibility for MHECDs brought to the school compound.
Strategic vs Operational Strategic Policies are overarching, broad, gives general intent and direction Operational policies are derived from the Strategic. They are more finite, determined by the unique environment and culture of the institution. They state in clear terms what is expected at the level of the school. May differ from one school to another.
Individual Assignment Discuss the Advantages/ Disadvantages/ Obstacles of implementing each of the policies. What additions/deletions/ modifications would make to each policy? Write the Operational Policy to accompany each strategic policy. Write a journal entry on today’s session, giving your reflections on policy and its role in education.
Thank You Gerard Phillip Lead, ICT in Education Ministry of Education Gerard.Phillip@moe.gov.tt gerardphillip@gmail.com 361-2905