What is an ERA-NET? Contribute


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Presentation transcript:

https://www.qr-code-generator.com/ What is an ERA-NET? Contribute to the direction and priorities of EU collaborative research in the area of ICT-enabled agri-food systems The ERA-NET (European Research Area - NETwork) scheme is one of the European Union’s programmes to support research, innovation and technological development throughout Europe. It aims to develop and strengthen the European Research Area (ERA) by facilitating practical initiatives to coordinate regional, national and European research programmes in specific fields. Under the ERA-NET scheme, national and regional authorities identify research programmes they wish to open up for international coordination and collaboration. Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (extracts) What is ICT-AGRI? ICT-AGRI is an ERA-NET aiming to help coordinating European research in ICT and robotics and their implementation in agriculture, and to develop a common Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) based on shared priorities. New technologies are rapidly emerging and will be revolutionising every level of farming in the next decade. ICT-AGRI is supporting the development and implementation of these new technologies for a competitive, sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture since already 2009. ICT-AGRI 2 ICT and robotics for sustainable agriculture Version 2, updated March 2018 ict-agri.eu An intermediate version of our SRIA is now available on our website, and we would like to confront it to your expertise. Please contribute to shape the direction of EU research and projects, as well as their priorities by sharing your knowledge and experience with us via our online questionnaire. The questionnaire is available on ICT-AGRI Website: Some Numbers We need your input: www.ict-agri.eu ICT-AGRI-1 began on 1st May 2009 and ran until 31th December 2014. The follow-up project ICT-AGRI-2 started on the 1st of January 2014 and is scheduled to end on 31st December 2018. A proposition for a third ERA-NET; ICT-enabled agri-food systems (with the goal of taking into account the whole agri-food sector from the farm to the fork) is under development, and is expected to start in 2019. www.ict-agri.eu Or using the following QR Code: ICT and robotics for sustainable agriculture

For more information visit www.ict-agri.eu What are the current and future challenges encountered by Information-, Communication- and Robotics Technologies in agriculture and food systems? Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda of ICT in agriculture and food systems (intermediate version) Available on www.ict-agri.eu In December 2012, the ERA-NET ICT AGRI 1 published a Strategic Research Agenda concerning the global challenges in agriculture, with proposals for addressing those challenges, and a discussion of how ICT and robotics could contribute to their resolution or mitigation. The conclusion of this report defined the focus of calls for transnational European research projects in ICT and agriculture, both within the ICT-AGRI ERA-NET, as well as influencing other funders. In the 6 years since then, the use of new technologies in agriculture has grown immensely in significance and there is widespread expectation that we are on the cusp of a “digital revolution” in the agri-food sector, which is expected to revolutionise the primary sector, dissolve the boundaries between the agriculture and food systems, create new markets for data, etc. And for many of these new technologies and markets this will also require new global policies to be created. In this SRIA, we aimed to review the main current and future challenges for sustainable agriculture as well as the key goals. In addition, we describe the state of the ICT and robotics art and trends as well as the current and future challenges of ICT and robotics adoption in agri-food systems. This SRIA is available on ICT-AGRI Website (www.ict-agri.eu). We would like to confronted the content of our SRIA to your expertise. If you would like to contribute and share your knowledge. Please take part in our 5-minute survey available on our website. For more information visit www.ict-agri.eu The ICT-AGRI Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) aims to describe the state of art of the information-, communication- and robotics technologies (i.e. drones, blockchain, GPS, Wi-Fi, precision farming, sensors, etc.) in the agriculture and food systems, as well as to define the actual and future challenges that restrain its use. This SRIA aims to be the reference for the research and projects priorities for the next 10 years to enable the use of new technologies for a competitive, sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture. We need your input: www.ict-agri.eu ICT and robotics for sustainable agriculture