Climate-Smart Agriculture in the Near East North Africa Region Babagana Ahmadu September 2018 The 1stAnnual Inter-Regional Smart Agriculture Forum ‘ISAF’ 24th to the 26th of September 2018 in Khartoum, Sudan.
Major Challenges for Sustainable Agriculture Climate Change, Food Safety Food Security Water crises Sept.2018 The 1stAnnual Inter-Regional Smart Agriculture Forum ‘ISAF’
Threats of Climate change on food security According (IPCC), Climate change is already hampering agricultural growth. Climate change is estimated to have already reduced global yields of maize and wheat by 3.8% and 5.5% respectively. 40% of jobs in the Arab region are derived from Agriculture. By 2050 production may decline due to less rainfall and hotter conditions Sept.2018 The 1stAnnual Inter-Regional Smart Agriculture Forum ‘ISAF’
Climate change Assessment of the Arab region Source: RICCAR, Arab Climate Change Assessment Report – Main Report. Beirut, E/ESCWA/SDPD/2017/RICCAR/Report. Evolution of Agriculture contribution to GDP in NENA Sept.2018 The 1stAnnual Inter-Regional Smart Agriculture Forum ‘ISAF’
Vulnerability of the Arab region to Climate Change One of the most vulnerable to the potential negative effects of climate change. Over the past 30 years, climate disasters affected 50 million people in the Arab region, with a reported cost of US$11.5 billion. Sept.2018 The 1stAnnual Inter-Regional Smart Agriculture Forum ‘ISAF’
Climate Change …Water Gap 2050 in the NENA region IPCC identifies the Middle East and North Africa region as the region most severely affected by climate change, particularly because the effects will stress already severe water scarcity. Climate models predict significant increase in temperature and reduction in precipitation in much of Mediterranean Africa, northern Sahara, and the eastern Mediterranean, ranging from 10-30%. Sept2018 The 1stAnnual Inter-Regional Smart Agriculture Forum ‘ISAF’
Climate change impact on livelihood in the Arab region The Arab region will remain arid, with some areas becoming even drier and hotter. Rainfall patterns will change, and the increase in floods and droughts events is likely to continue in the future. Projections suggest that the rate of agricultural production will decrease slow over the next few decades. 40% of jobs in the Arab region are derived from Agriculture. By 2050 production may decline due to less rainfall and hotter conditions Wheat, maize and barley production in the region expected to decrease. Sept.2018 The 1stAnnual Inter-Regional Smart Agriculture Forum ‘ISAF’
Major impacts on NENA farmers Sept.2018 The 1stAnnual Inter-Regional Smart Agriculture Forum ‘ISAF’
This is the name of the Conference FAO approach In 2010, FAO launched Climate Smart Agriculture concept and approach in response to the growing need for a clear and coherent strategy for managing agriculture and food systems under climate change to reach food security and development objectives. 18 May 2015 This is the name of the Conference
The 1stAnnual Inter-Regional Smart Agriculture Forum ‘ISAF’ Sustainably increasing agricultural productivity and incomes Climate-Smart Agriculture CSA is an approach that helps agricultural systems ensure sustainable development and food security in a changing climate. Adapting and building resilience to climate change Reducing and/or removing greenhouse gas emissions, where possible. Sept.2018 The 1stAnnual Inter-Regional Smart Agriculture Forum ‘ISAF’
Climate-Smart Agriculture Sept.2018 The 1stAnnual Inter-Regional Smart Agriculture Forum ‘ISAF’
5-step process to implement the CSA approach 4 5 3 2 2 1 Sept.2018 The 1stAnnual Inter-Regional Smart Agriculture Forum ‘ISAF’
Climate-resilient transformation pathways for agriculture Business as usual leads to higher risks of food security and lower resilience of food and agricultural systems. whereas, CSA pathways result in higher resilience and lower risks to food security. Sept.2018 The 1stAnnual Inter-Regional Smart Agriculture Forum ‘ISAF’
Climate-smart agriculture techniques Mulching, intercropping, conservation agriculture, crop rotation, integrated crop-livestock management, agroforestry, improved grazing, and improved water management. Also innovative practices such as better weather forecasting, early warning systems and risk insurance The 1stAnnual Inter-Regional Smart Agriculture Forum ‘ISAF’
The 1stAnnual Inter-Regional Smart Agriculture Forum ‘ISAF’ Appropriate CSA Solutions: by farming systems in the NENA Region Major Categories of Farming Systems: Irrigated Mixed Pastoral The 1stAnnual Inter-Regional Smart Agriculture Forum ‘ISAF’
The 1stAnnual Inter-Regional Smart Agriculture Forum ‘ISAF’ Irrigated Systems Challenges: More water stress Increased demand for irrigation Reduced yields Potential Solutions: High-efficiency pumps Precise water applications Deficit irrigation Sept.2018 The 1stAnnual Inter-Regional Smart Agriculture Forum ‘ISAF’
The 1stAnnual Inter-Regional Smart Agriculture Forum ‘ISAF’ Mixed Systems Challenges: Reduced yields Increased demand for irrigation Harder to make agricultural plans Potential Solutions: Soil and water management, such as mulching and rainwater harvesting Differentiated approaches for annual and perennial crops Sept.2018 The 1stAnnual Inter-Regional Smart Agriculture Forum ‘ISAF’
The 1stAnnual Inter-Regional Smart Agriculture Forum ‘ISAF’ Pastoral Systems Challenges: Increased risk of drought Reduced water for livestock and fodder Potential Solutions: Grazing management (rotational grazing , livestock mobility, restoration of degraded lands) Pasture management (higher yielding grass varieties, optimizing fertilization) Sept.2018 The 1stAnnual Inter-Regional Smart Agriculture Forum ‘ISAF’
The 1stAnnual Inter-Regional Smart Agriculture Forum ‘ISAF’ Final Messages Urgent action from public, private and civil society stakeholders at the international to local levels is required in the areas of: Building evidence and assessment tools; Strengthening regional/national and local related institutions; Developing coordinated and evidence-based policies; Increasing financing and its effectiveness. Sept.2018 The 1stAnnual Inter-Regional Smart Agriculture Forum ‘ISAF’
The 1stAnnual Inter-Regional Smart Agriculture Forum ‘ISAF’ Final Messages Adopting new tools and internet-based/ICT technologies. Building Smallholder Resilience, and focus on specific vulnerable households (such as widows or disabled people) which will effectively increase poverty reduction and minimizes the devastating impact of climate change effects. Scaling-up Investment in CSA. Sept.2018 The 1stAnnual Inter-Regional Smart Agriculture Forum ‘ISAF’
The 1stAnnual Inter-Regional Smart Agriculture Forum ‘ISAF’ Thank you Sept.2018 The 1stAnnual Inter-Regional Smart Agriculture Forum ‘ISAF’