Tri-West Hendricks High School Class of 2023 Tri-West Hendricks High School will Learn from the world, Adapt with the world, Contribute to the world.
Bell Schedule 1st period: 8:35-9:25 2nd period: 9:30-10:18 3rd period: 10:23-11:11 Bruin Time: 11:11-11:27 4th period: 11:32-12:56 Lunch A: 11:32-11:57 Lunch B: 12:02-12:26 Lunch C: 12:31-12:56 5th period: 1:01-1:49 6th period: 1:54-2:42 7th period: 2:47-3:35 Late Arrival / Wednesday: 1st period: 9:15-9:55 2nd period: 10:00-10:40 3rd period: 10:45-11:25 Bruin Time: None 4th period: 11:30-12:54 Lunch A: 11:30-11:55 Lunch B: 12:00-12:24 Lunch C: 12:29-12:54 5th period: 12:59-1:47 6th period: 1:52-2:41 7th period: 2:46-3:35
Things to know… 1 Credit Semester Elective Courses Earning a passing grade in one semester of a course Semester The combining of two nine-week grading periods Elective Courses Courses that are required for graduation, but students can choose to take based on interest A failing grade (F) results in no credit Failed required courses must be repeated until passed!
Core 40 Core 40 Academic Honors Core 40 Technical Honors Types of diplomas Set of essential courses to prepare students for work, technical school, or college. Required for admission to 4 year colleges. 43 credits Core 40 Demanding curriculum resulting in most respected diploma 47 credits Core 40 Academic Honors Combines Core 40 requirements with technical training. 47 credits A certificate in technical achievement must be earned. Core 40 Technical Honors
Core 40 Diploma English Math Science Credits Years Courses 8 credits Taken in High School 3 years Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Math Quantitative Reasoning courses Science Integrated Physics/Chemistry Biology Earth Space Science OR Chemistry I OR Physics I
Core 40 Diploma Social Studies PE Health Credits Courses 6 credits World History & Civilization OR Geography/ History of the World US History Government and Economics PE 2 credits Two semesters online or two seasons of sports/marching band Health 1 credit Taken sophomore year
Core 40 Diploma Career Electives Local Require-ments TOTAL Credits Courses Foreign Language 4 credits *Highly Encouraged Spanish I Spanish II Career Electives 6 credits Any elective course Local Require-ments Preparing for College & Careers Human Development & Wellness Interactive Media Consumer Economics TOTAL Minimum of 43 credits
Core 40 Academic Honors Diploma In addition to the Core 40 Diploma requirements: Earn 2 additional Core 40 math credits. (One more year of Math) Earn 6-8 world language credits. 3 years of Spanish or 2yrs of 2 different languages Earn 2 Core 40 fine arts credits Includes Art, Band/Choir or Theater Arts “C” or above in all Core 40 courses “B” (3.0) or above grade point average
Core 40 Academic Honors Diploma Must complete one of the following: Take 2 AP courses resulting in 4 high school credits. Take 2 Dual Credit courses resulting in 6 college credits. Take 1 AP course and 1 Dual Credit course resulting in 4 high school credits and 6 college credits. Score 1750 or higher on combined SAT plus Writing Section Score a 26 composite on the ACT plus Writing Section
Advanced Placement Courses Taken during 11th or 12th grade Require the AP exam in the spring AP 2-D Art & 3-D Art AP Biology II AP Chemistry II AP Physics I AP Calculus AP Computer Science AP English Literature AP English Language AP Human Geography Carry and additional +.5 weight A = 4.5 grade points
Dual Credit Courses High school courses that may earn college credits Graphic Design and Layout (VISC 101) All Project Lead The Way Engineering Courses Area 31 Courses (Most of them) Business Computer Applications II (BA 113) Business Concepts (BA 2010) English Composition (ENGL 111) Fund. Of Public Speaking (COMM 101) Finite Math (MATH 135) Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry (MATH 136) (MATH 137) Finite Math (Math 135) Honors United States History (HIST 103 & HIST 104) Intro. To Psychology (PSYC 101) Intro. To Sociology (SOCI 111) Spanish III (SPAN 102 & 102) Spanish IV (SPAN 210 & 202) Danville Ag. Classes: Animal Science, Landscape Management, Natural Resources Must pass Accuplacer Test Weighted +.25 grade point
Higher Level Core Academic Courses Algebra 8 Language Arts Honors 8 Honors Courses Higher Level Core Academic Courses Algebra 8 Language Arts Honors 8 Biology 8 Honors English 10, English 11 Honors IPC/ICP, Honors Chemistry I Honors Geometry, Algebra II Honors World History or Geography Honors U.S. History Must meet prerequisites to get in. Weighted an additional +.1 grade point
Provided all graduation Early Graduation Provided all graduation requirements are met: Seniors May go ½ day May graduate after 7 semesters Juniors May graduate after 6 semesters
Possible Freshman Schedule Core 40 Fall Semester English 9 Algebra 1 Integrated Physics/Chemistry Human Development & Wellness* World History Elective *Introduction to Engineering and Design (IED) may be substituted Spring Semester Integrated Chemistry/Physics Preparing for College & Careers*
Possible Freshman Schedule Academic Honors Fall Semester Geometry or Honors English 10 or 10H Integrated Phys/Chem or Honors World History or Honors Human Development & Wellness* Spanish I or II Fine arts elective * IED may be substituted Spring Semester Integrated Chem/Phys or Honors Preparing for College and Careers*
Information About courses
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Click on 2019-2020 Course Description Book
Course Description Book provides information about graduation requirements and about each course
Enrollment Process How it Works
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General Instructions Make 14 selections. List alternate in the Comments Section. Math course may be changed at a later date. Honors classes may be changed at a later date. Required Freshman Courses: a. English 9 b. Integrated Physics/Chemistry c. Proper Math course d. World History e. Preparing for College & Careers, and Human Development and Wellness or Introduction to Engineering & Design Hit Save before closing out. Counselors will meet with students individually on November 26 & 27, 2018.
Core Course Selections English = English 9 or English 10 H if in Language Arts 8 with a B- or better. Math = If in Algebra Enrichment Algebra I If struggling in Algebra 8 (C+ or below) If successful in Algebra 8 (B- or better) Geometry Honors or Geometry Social Studies = World History or Honors World History Wait until Sophomore year for World Geography
Core Course Selections Science = Honors IPC & ICP if successful in Biology 8 (B-) Otherwise, IPC & ICP Health = Leave blank, will take in grade 10 Local Requirements Leave under “Best Fit” Preparing for College and Careers Human Development and Wellness PE = See next slide for PE course changes Elective PE or leave blank
Physical Education Requirements Beginning with the Class of 2023, 1 credit of Physical Education I will be earned in 8th Grade. 1 credit of Physical Education II shall be earned through any one of the following ways: Successfully complete one credit of Physical Education through the Indiana Online Academy during the summer. ($275 per credit with about $175 refunded in January) Successfully complete one credit of Physical Education through a summer Physical Education course at Tri West High School ($50 with about $40 refunded in January) Successfully complete 1 competition season of an IHSAA and Tri West High School sponsored sport. Successfully complete 1 competition seasons of field shows with Tri West High School Marching Blue Alliance. Successfully complete 1 competition season with Tri West High School Color Guard or Drum Line. Successfully complete 1 competition seasons with Tri West High School Competition Cheerleading.
Core Course Selections (Example)
Elective Selections This depends upon each individual student. Popular choices are: Study Hall Band Choir Spanish I or II Introduction to Engineering and Design or Principles of Engineering Nutrition and Wellness Introduction to 2D Art & 3D Art Drawing or Ceramics Must have taken Intro to 2D Art in 8th Grade
Elective Selections
Comments: List Alternate Course
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Parent Meeting Wednesday November 14th @ 7:00 p.m. TWHS Media Center
Good Luck at Tri West High School