Chapter 1- Section 3 Periodic Table Introduction The arrangement of the _________ show how ______________________can be related. The arrangement shows the relationship between _______________and __________________ . The elements are arranged in order of increasing __________reading from ____________and from __________________ . Atomic number is the number of ___________in the nucleus of the atoms of an element.
Groups A group (or _________) is a ____________on the PT. Each group has the same number of _____________________ Valence means _____________electrons. This gives the group similar ________properties The groups are numbered from ___ to ___
More About Groups The group number is the same as the __________________________ for the neutral atom in that group for the left side, and the group number minus 10 (_______________) for the right side. Example: carbon is in group ___ and has ___ valence electrons Usually the noble gases are thought of as having ___ valence electrons. This means the outermost energy level is ____________. This is believed to be why they have very, very little _____________________.
Periods A period is a ______ in the periodic table Periods are numbered _______ Each period corresponds to a new _________ ____________ . The first element in each period has only ____ __________ in its outer shell The second-to-last element in the period only ________ one more electron to fill the ________
Periodicity Periodicity is the regular ________________ according to the arrangement of ___________in the periodic table. Chemical and physical properties of elements show periodicity if the elements are arranged in order of ________________________. This is the modern “_____________”.
Metals Found ________________of the PT Good conductor of __________________ Most metals are ________ at room temperature Most have the property of ___________(can be hammered or rolled into thin sheets) Most are __________ (can be drawn into a wire) Metals have _________________(the ability to resist breaking when pulled)
More About Metals Most metals have ______ (tend to be shiny) Metals can also have diverse properties Mercury is a _______ at room temperature Group one metals are very ______ while others are __________
Nonmetals _________side of PT. ______ conductor of heat and electricity Many are ________ at room temperature One nonmetal, bromine, is a ____________ . Solid nonmetals include C, P, Se, S, and I. They tend to be ____________.
Metalloids A ____________ is an element that has some characteristics of _________ and some characteristics of _____________ . __________at room temperature Less malleable than metals, but not as brittle at nonmetals Tend to be ______________ Used in computers, digital watches, TV, and radios
Noble Gases Noble gases are the elements in ___________ Very ____________ All are _____________at room temperature Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe are used in lighting He is used in party balloons and weather balloons
Two Other Sets of Elements Two sets of elements are placed __________the main portion of the periodic table They are called the _____________and the _________________ They are considered _____________, and fit into the table just after elements 57 and 89. They are placed below the table to _________ ______________________.