Giuseppe Attardi Università di Pisa HTML 5 Giuseppe Attardi Università di Pisa Slides from Lachlan Hunt
HTML5 in 1 Slide Get started: DOCTYPE: <!doctype html> NEW TAGS <header> <footer> <nav> <article> <section> <aside> (But IE 6,7--even IE 8!—doesn't support styling these tags.) AUDIO/VIDEO <audio> <video> (But then the codecs need to work, sometimes ogg, sometimes mp3…) FEATURES localStorage New input types (great for mobile, see ) Modernizr
New Structure and Semantics
<header> <nav> <article> <aside> <footer>
<time> <figure> <legend> <meter>
<h1> <section> <h1> <h1>
Element Implementations No native support, but can be styled with CSS in Opera Firefox 3.0 Safari IE 6 and 7 using simple createElement() hack
New Multimedia
Video Native video support in browsers DOM APIs for providing custom interfaces No more dependence upon Flash
Video Implementations Opera (Ogg Theora) Safari (All QuickTime formats) Firefox (Ogg Theora)
Canvas Dynamically draw graphics and text Graphics-oriented DOM APIs
Canvas Implementations Opera Firefox Safari IE 6+ using ExplorerCanvas script