CHAIN-GISELA Workshop VRCs meet eInfrastructure providers EGI User Forum Vilnius 13 April 2011
Aim Have a well-prepared and organized discussion on what the Users Communities require from Resource Infrastructure Providers (RIP) and the planning of regional infrastructures to cope with such requirements.
Expected outcome The workshop is expected to make a step forward in the matching of user communities’ requirements and infrastructure providers’ plans. Hopefully it will help to pinpoint the critical issues and the necessary technical developments, if any, that still need to be addressed in order to fulfil the requirements of the VRCs.
VRCs meet eInfrastructure providers Session A: 14:00 – 15:30, Chair F. Ruggieri Introduction (F. Ruggieri - CHAIN) 5’ Biology VRC: WeNMR (A. Bonvin) and HealthGrid (Y. Legré): 30’ Geosciences (M. Petitdidier): 20’ Digital Cultural Heritage VRC – DC-NET & INDICATE projects (A. Fresa): 20’ Discussion Session B: 16:00 – 17:30, Chair B. Marechal EGI vision on their VRC coordinating role 15’ GISELA VRC framework for LA (P. Gavillet) 15’ CHAIN VRC framework for the RIP (F. Ruggieri) 15’ DEGISCO project, Desktop Grids for application developers and users - Robert Lovas (SZTAKI) 5’ Summary of the WS (P. Gavillet – GISELA) 10’