Classroom Procedures and Expectations Mrs. Vanessa Looper Independence high School
WELCOME We’re going to have a Wonderful Semester together. Have Positive Expectations! The Procedures we learn today will help us create a Highly Efficient and Orderly Classroom.
Why Procedures? Without procedures, students do not know what is expected of them. Procedures facilitate efficiency. Human Nature is to have procedures.
Arrival to Class When you arrive at our class, I will greet you at the door. When you enter the classroom please be seated. Prepare yourself for the class. I will collect cellphones before you begin work.
When Class Begins (Bell) The bell ringing is a procedure to tell you that it is time to begin class. At the bell, you are to begin your entrance ticket. Your entrance ticket will be written on the board each day. There should be no talking or moving about during writing.
Entrance Ticket Use the sticky notes and be sure to put your number on them. Write in complete sentences about the assigned subject- 5 minutes max. Silence in the room during writing. Post sticky on the board. IDK is not acceptable.
General Classroom Expectations Respect others personal space including not touching others. Be respectful of everyone and everything. No cell phones, eating, or drinking. Plagiarism is not tolerated.
RestRoom POLICY No Restroom breaks first 10 minutes and last 10 minutes of class. One person at a time. Sign out take the lanyard. You only have 5 minutes, make it quick! Sign in leave the lanyard. Going to nurse, counselor, principal- See me for a pass
Expectations During CLASS Please give the teacher your full attention. Do not talk while the teacher is talking. Please wait to be recognized by the teacher before you begin speaking. Do not start assignments until the teacher gives you the signal to begin.
Expectations During Groups You will be working in groups at times. Within your group you will be assigned a duty. For example: leader, voice control, recorder, etc. No side-bar conversations during group activities, all team members focused on the task at hand. You may be asked to report out for your group.
Prompts I will call you to attention by asking you to clap when I ask “Clap once if you can hear me” and “Clap twice if you can hear me”.
End of Class Dismissal I will inform you when it is time for class dismissal. Upon dismissal, please stay seated. Clean-up your work area and collect your cellphone. I will then give you permission to leave the classroom.
Behavior Discipline Procedures 1st Offense - Verbal Warning 2nd Offense - Written Warning and Consultation 3rd Offense - Call to Parents 4th Offense - Office Referral
School Rules and Policies All school rules as outlined in your student handbook will be enforced. Attendance policy will be as defined in your student handbook.
My Promise to You! Procedures and Expectations will enhance your learning experience. We will have a great year together. I am here for you, please let me know if you need anything. I will give you my very best everyday and ask the same from you in return.