Food Chains and Food Webs
Food Chains and Food Webs WALT: Draw a food chain and predict how external factors can alter the chain I must correctly draw a food chain I should be able to predict how external factors might causes changes to the chain I could state how energy is lost at different stages
Let’s get started.... Watch this video of a baboon stalking a baby gazelle (A baboon stalks a baby gazelle – bbc) TASK: Can you draw a simple three component chain from the video showing the: producer primary consumer secondary consumer Draw on board Points – baboon can be both primary consumer (when eating grass) and secondary consumer (when eating gazelle) Producer is not always a plant – can be algae or can be decaying matter E.g. Decomposing animal Draw on board an example e.g. Dead animal >> blow flies and maggots >> common frog >> grass snake Definition of saprophyte Original energy – from sun DIRECTION OF ARROWS IMPORTANT (from producer to primary etc) direction of energy flow
Can you identify any errors in this food chain? Errors – arrows in wrong direction Not same habitat/area – clown fish (tropical), penguins (antarctica), polar bears (arctic) Bad way of representing – should be straight line
Food chains and food webs Food chains – represent flow of energy between different organisms that feed on each other Each level called a “trophic (feeding) level” Food chains can join together to become a food web – showing how the feeding of different animals in an area or habitat are linked Question – why might a badger be a primary and a secondary consumer? (eats seeds but also earthworms).
Aquarium Ecosystem – look at the picture and answer the questions 1. Draw 3 food chains from this ecosystem 2. Combine your food chains to make a food web 3. Name 2 producers Diatom = type of phytoplankton (autotrophic plankton) 4. Name 2 consumers
Answers 1. algae snail newt catfish diatoms fresh water mussel newt catfish diatoms fresh water mussel catfish algae snail catfish diatoms water fleas goldfish (BEWARE OF ARROW DIRECTIONS) 2. Algae, diatoms, pond weed 3. Two from: snail, newt, catfish, mussel, water flea, goldfish
Watch the video clip and write down 6 or more key points Energy from photosynthesis - Food chains make up webs - Plant eaters feed on grass – help more grass grow back in its place - Each predator has own techniques for hunting prey - Cheetahs run fast, lions slower – more sneaky - Predators can work together but often compete - Hyenas and cheetahs are competitors – attack each others cubs and steal food - - predators can become scavengers - Large animals use up energy at slower rate therefore can go longer without food - Food chain always starts as photosynthesis and ends in decay
Key points Identified in film - Energy from photosynthesis - Food chains make up webs - Plant eaters feed on grass – help more grass grow back in its place - Each predator has own techniques for hunting prey - Cheetahs run fast, lions slower – more sneaky - Predators can work together but often compete - Hyenas and cheetahs are competitors – attack each others cubs and steal food - - predators can become scavengers - Large animals use up energy at slower rate therefore can go longer without food - Food chain always starts as photosynthesis and ends in decay
Make your own food web...3 mins Construct a food web using the organisms below: Slug Hawk Grass Rabbit Lettuce Mistle Thrush
Copy questions into books – then discuss in pairs – 5 minutes. What might happen if: There was a disease of rabbits that killed off a large part of the rabbit population? It was a year with exceptional sunshine and rain which meant that there was an extra large crop of lettuces and grass Copy questions into books – then discuss in pairs – 5 minutes. Hawk Mistle Thrush Rabbit Slug Lettuce Grass
Your Task – in “KS3 Science – The Workbook (Living Things)” Answer all the questions on p.71, p.74 and p.75 in full sentences NB: For p. 75 – your ‘ultimate predator’ and ‘ultimate prey’ – draw a sketch and label it
Plenary Take your ‘ultimate predator’ and ‘ultimate prey’ and show and describe it to at least two other people in the class