Critical thinking quotes Class Starters
procedures Please copy the date, the quote, and answer questions 1 and 2. All starters are written in a one subject or composition notebook for easy grading. Class starters are graded biweekly on a Friday. The notebook will be taken up and given back. Class starters should be numbered daily for organization. If you miss a day, you are still responsible for making up the missed class starter. There will be a notebook available with weekly starters in class for you to copy if you were absent for that day.
questions 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
example “If you want a place in the sun, you have to put up with a few blisters.” 1. If a person wants to be successful in life they may have to endure stress, obstacles, and problems along the way. 2. When I was in college there were long nights of studying, twelve page essays, and many stressful tears!
Do now! 2. Write down today’s date. 3. Write down the quote. 1. Find your assigned seat. 2. Write down today’s date. 3. Write down the quote. 4. Answer questions 1 and 2. Starter #1 - “If you want a place in the sun, you have to put up with a few blisters.” ~Author unknown 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day “It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.” ~ Albert Einstein 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day “He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree.”~ Unknown 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day “A chattering bird builds no nest.”~ Unknown 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day “A fault once denied is twice committed.” ~ French Proverb 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day He who has a “why” to live can bear almost any “how.”’ ~ Friedrich Nietzsche 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love. ~Mother Teresa 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
8th grade 9/11 What do you already know about Edgar Allan Poe? About the French catacombs?
Quote of the Day “Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.” ~ Saint Augustine 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day “Adversity introduces a man to himself.” ~ Author Unknown 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day “Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves - regret for the past and fear of the future.” ~ Fulton Oursler 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Looks • Personality • Trust 9th Grade: Tuesday 9/19 How do you rank the following qualities in relationships with potential boyfriends/girlfriends? Looks • Personality • Trust
Quote of the Day “The civilized man has built a coach, but has lost the use of his feet.” ~ Ralph Emerson 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day “Talking comes by nature, silence by wisdom.” ~Yiddish Proverb 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day “Cast no dirt into the well that gives you water.” ~ Korean Proverb 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day “A good scare is worth more to a man than good advice.” ~ Unknown 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day “Of all the properties which belong to honorable men, not one is so highly prized as that of character.” ~ Henry Clay 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” ~Confucius 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day “Rotten wood cannot be carved.” ~ Chinese Proverb 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day “Relationships build character.” ~ Unknown 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day “Nothing is ever enough when what you are looking for isn’t what you really want.” ~Arianna Huffington 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day “A hasty man drinks his tea with a fork.” ~ Chinese Proverb 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day 1. Give the meaning of the quote. “After the game, the king and pawn go into the same box.” ~ Italian Proverb 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day 1. Give the meaning of the quote. "We must learn to master our thoughts before we are enslaved to our emotions." ~Steven Romo 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day 1. Give the meaning of the quote. “An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind.” ~ M.K. Gandhi 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day 1. Give the meaning of the quote. “No man can become rich without himself enriching others.” ~ Andrew Carnegie 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day 1. Give the meaning of the quote. “Success or failure is caused more by mental attitude than by mental capacity.” ~ Sir Walter Scott 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day 1. Give the meaning of the quote. “A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.” ~ George Bernard Shaw 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day 1. Give the meaning of the quote. "In the book of life, the answers are not in the back." ~ Jason Bourne 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day 1. Give the meaning of the quote. “When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day 1. Give the meaning of the quote. “Do not remove a fly from your friend’s forehead with a hatchet.” ~ Chinese Proverb 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day 1. Give the meaning of the quote. “You cannot build a house for last year’s summer.” ~ African Proverb 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day 1. Give the meaning of the quote. "As a bird is known by its note, so is a man known by his conversation." ~ Unknown 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day 1. Give the meaning of the quote. "If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door." ~ Unknown 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day 1. Give the meaning of the quote. "Kites rise highest against the wind not with it" ~ Winston Churchill 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day 1. Give the meaning of the quote. "Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important." ~ Unknown 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day 1. Give the meaning of the quote. "Anyone who has never made mistake has never tried anything new." ~ Unknown 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day 1. Give the meaning of the quote. "When your dream turns to dust, vacuum." ~ Unknown 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.
Quote of the Day 1. Give the meaning of the quote. "If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail." ~ Unknown 1. Give the meaning of the quote. 2.Give an example of the quote based on your life experiences.