S4 Options and Choices
Compulsory Subjects 45 mn periods L. I (mother tongue) 4 L. I (mother tongue) 4 L. II (first foreign language) 3 L. III (second foreign language) 3 History (in L. II) 2 Geography (in L. II) 2 Biology 2 Chemistry 2 Physics 2 Physical education 2 Religion or Ethics 1 ----------------------- 23
Choose 4 period maths or 6 period maths. New total : 27 or 29 periods Mathematics Choose 4 period maths or 6 period maths. New total : 27 or 29 periods
Choose Options: (1) To this a pupil adds : between 4 and 8 periods
Choose Options (2) Latin 4 L IV (third foreign language) 4 Economics 4 Art 2 Music 2 Computer Studies (ICT) 2
Weekly Periods Total of weekly periods : minimum 31 periods (of 45’) maximum 35 periods (of 45’)
Vital Information! An optional subject can only be opened if it is chosen by at least 7 pupils. Options will have to fit within the timetable. This implies that not all combinations may be possible. When necessary, you may be asked to choose a different set of options. Economics will be taught in all vehicular languages providing enough pupils have registered.
Vital Information ! The choice of an optional subject commits the pupil for 2 years (S4+S5) A pupil may change from Maths 6 to Maths 4 at the end of the first or second semester, upon written request of the parents and subject to approval by the Class Council.
Baccalaureate Marks Preliminary Mark : 50 % Written Exams : 35 % Oral Exams : 15 %
Baccalaureate L I or Advanced LI L I or Advanced LI (compulsory) 5 written examinations 3 oral examinations 1 L I or Advanced LI L I or Advanced LI (compulsory) 2 L II or Advanced LII L II or Advanced LII (compulsory) History (2 or 4 p) Geography (2 or 4 p) 3 Mathematics 3 or 5 p Advanced Math (compulsory) either Philosophy (2 p or 4 p) either L.III either L.IV either Biology (2 p or 4 p) either Chemistry 4 p either Physics 4 p 4 Option 4 p 5 Reminder 4 p options : Latin Economics Physics Chemistry Biology L III L IV Philosophy History Geography Music Art Ecrit : 5 épreuves Oral : 3 épreuves 1 Langue I ou Approf LI Langue I ou Approf LI 2 Langue II ou Approf LII Histoire (2 ou 4 p.) Géographie (2 ou 4 p.) 3 Mathématiques 3 ou 5 p Math approf (obligatoire pour les élèves concernés) ou Philosophie (2 ou 4 p) ou Langue III ou Langue IV ou Biologie (2 ou 4 p) ou Chimie (4 p) ou Physique (4 p) 4 Option 4 p 5 Rappel des options 4 p. possibles (toutes ne seront pas proposées à l’EES) : Latin Grec Economie Physique Chimie Biologie Langue III Langue IV Philosophie Histoire Géographie Musique Art