LHC External Collimation Review Steve Myers
Timeline of Collimation Project September 2001 Start of Beam Cleaning Study Group / Collimation WG January 2002 CERN meeting on LHC collimators January 2003 AB Project on LHC Collimation + ATB group July 2003 Phased approach approved September 2003 Mechanical engineering started with TS department January 2004 Start of prototype production June 2004 New collimation layout in IR3 and IR7 August 2004 Installation of prototype collimators into SPS/TT40 Call for tender for series production December 2004 Contract for series production (FC) Extremely tight schedule: Many CERN staff working very hard (fast)... Before series production: External review of design decisions. Your report will be important input!
The Review Committee A. Drees BNL RHIC collimation design and operation G. Federici ITER Experience with carbon-based materials in fusion research J. Frisch SLAC Advanced collimators for Linear Colliders T. Markiewicz SLAC Linear Collider collimation, background to experiments N. Mokhov FNAL Collimation design and simulation (TEVATRON, SSC, ...) T. Raubenheimer SLAC Accelerator design, NLC project M. Seidel (chair) DESY HERA collimation design and operation, TESLA collimators, vacuum design V. Shiltsev FNAL TEVATRON operational experience and performance upgrades N. Simos BNL SNS collimators and targets Committee members represent experience from various frontier accelerator projects (existing, under construction, planned). Material expertise from fusion research!
Charge to the Committee The committee should look into all aspects of the LHC collimation system and consider the following questions: Are the baseline assumptions for the collimation design reasonable? (minimal allowed beam lifetime, peak and average loss rates, impact models, betatron and momentum-induced losses, ...) Have the LHC collimation requirements been specified thoroughly and completely? Does the phased approach of the LHC collimation system address the requirements? Are the basic hardware choices correct and what problems should be expected (e.g. radiation damage to graphite)? Is the detailed engineering solution adequate or can any problems be identified? Are the preliminary thoughts on collimation set-up and operation reasonable? Where should additional focus be put for future work? A final report will be prepared and delivered to S. Myers and R. Assmann.
Collimation Review June/July 2004 Within timeline of the collimation project: Last opportunity to review all aspects of the adapted solution in the cleaning insertions IR3 and IR7! Focus is two-stage cleaning in IR3 and IR7 (assumptions, mechanical design, performance). Please use this chance to look at the design decisions in technical detail and advise us on the basis of your experience and expertise. About half of the time in open sessions will be for discussions. On behalf of the A&B department and the LHC project I would like to sincerely thank you for giving us the benefit of your valuable time and expertise. With your help the collimation project will be a big success