CreatINg Places Crowdfunding for Community Collaboration Introduction – Name, School, at IHCDA for 10 years. Current role. January 2019
Panelists Melissa Norby Colleen Smith Carmen Lethig, AICP Director of Community Development, City of Decatur Colleen Smith Parent in Brown County, IN Carmen Lethig, AICP Placemaking Manager, Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority Bridget Anderson Indiana Director, Patronicity
CreatINg Places Funding Program Created by Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA), in partnership with Patronicity Uses “crowdgranting” model to disperse funds New funding opportunity for creating new public spaces or activating underused public spaces Part of Placemaking Indiana initiative Supports placemaking as a community development and quality of life strategy
What is Crowdgranting? Crowdfunding: The process of getting a LARGE group of people (the crowd) to financially support (the funding) a project within a certain constrained time. Timeframe is normally between 30 and 60 days Crowdgranting: combining crowdfunding with matching grant dollars If you meet your crowdfunding goal, you receive matching funds If you don’t hit your goal, you receive NO matching dollars Measures local support for a project idea
Madison Street Plaza The Project: To create a flexible and dedicated space in downtown for community events. Project Leaders: Staff at the City of Decatur Campaign Goal: $50,000 Total Raised: $70,339 Total Donors: 170 Timeframe: 45 days Flexible space for all kinds of events. New pavers, one level surface, streetlights, trees and landscaping, benches, trash cans, sound system, and an anchor system for tents of various sizes. Before
Kids on Wheels Skate Park The Project: To create a skate park and gathering space for teenagers by teenagers in Brown County, Indiana. Project Leaders: Kids on Wheels and parent volunteers Campaign Goal: $50,000 Total Raised: $60,000 Total Donors: 103 Timeframe: 60 days
Q&A Melissa Norby, City of Decatur Colleen Smith Carmen Lethig, IHCDA Madison Street Plaza: Colleen Smith Kids on Wheels: Carmen Lethig, IHCDA Bridget Anderson, Patronicity