SFBAC 2016 Officers Training SAMIEEE –Sections Ed Aoki A PRE-FormattedTool For Chairs of Sections, Geographic Council and their “SAMIEEE representatives” For creating ListServs of their Elected and Appointed Volunteers as Reported in vTools Officers
SFBAC 2016 Officers Training SAMIEEE SFBACouncil and Section Officers (X-SFBAC)-R603-Current Society Chapter AG Section Council-ExCom+Webmaster Found in SAMIEEE under CATALOG, then Shared Folders/IEEE Volunteer Queries/SFBAC Please locate and select this pre-formatted Query and “Save As” in YOUR MyFolder before editing or using it.
SFBAC 2016 Officers Training SAMIEEE QUIRKS of (X-SFBAC)-R603-Current Society Chapter AG Section Council-ExCom+ Webmaster Of the 293 listed, 24 NOT in SFBAC OU are included due to current Section membership of the individual Of the 202 listed for SCV-Section, quirks are noted on the next slides
SFBAC 2016 Officers Training SAMIEEE Some positions in the same OU are held by several persons, with year's overlap Some persons hold positions in several OU Webmaster need not be an active/renewed IEEE member STB/SBC/SBA and HKN Advisor or Counselor have long term appointments; must be active/renewed to enable access to CBRS; may NOT be interacting SFBAC-OU Officers may have a Section Assignment of SF OR SCV OR OEB
SFBAC 2016 Officers Training SAMIEEE SFBACouncil and Section Officers Queries (X-SFBAC)-R603-Current Society Chapter AG Section Council-ExCom+Webmaster For these OU: Chapter; Council; Joint Chapter; Section; Sub-section; Affinity; and Student Branch; Student Branch Chapter
SFBAC 2016 Officers Training SAMIEEE SFBACouncil and Section Officers Queries (X-SFBAC)-R603-Current Society Chapter AG Section Council-ExCom+Webmaster For these positions: Chair; Chapter Chair; Vice Chair; Chapter Vice Chair; Treasurer; Chapter Treasurer; Secretary; Chapter Secretary; Secretary/Treasurer; Webmaster; vTools Coordinator; [ Students] Advisor-SBC or SBA; Counselor -STB; [ HKN ] President; Vice-President; Corresponding Secretary; Advisor
SFBAC 2016 Officers Training SAMIEEE You have saved your query in YOUR MyFolder To RUN the query: See and Select the “Results” Tab at the top of the page (or the “Open” hotlink at the Bottom Left of the page and then the “Results” Tab.)
SFBAC 2016 Officers Training SAMIEEE You have saved your query in YOUR MyFolder To RE-ARRANGE the order of the results for your own purposes, you can manually move the columns in the DOWNLOADED spreadsheet BUT IF you plan to re-use re-arranged column order in the future, you will save time IF you EDIT the Query in your own MyFolder. The order of the columns in the EDIT view is the order of the columns in the DOWNLOADED results spreadsheet. Disregard the order of the columns in the displayed on-line results.
SFBAC 2016 Officers Training SAMIEEE You have saved your query in YOUR MyFolder IF you wish to DOWNLOAD the results to your computer, See and Select “Export” ” hotlink at the Bottom Left of the page and select in the dropdown menu, “Data” and “CSCV Format” Recommendation: Save the downloaded file as ExCel format. Insert the Download date into the filename or into the name on the first work-page of the DOWNLOADED file; save any edits into additional work-page(s).
SFBAC 2016 Officers Training SAMIEEE IEEE members who are not located in your Section or in your Council territory or who do not have the appropriate “Contiguous Section” status will not display in your results. This condition is common among students who show up in vTools but not in SAMIEEE queries.
SFBAC 2016 Officers Training SAMIEEE IEEE members who, over time, have reported more than 1 employer in their MyIEEE account, may have more than 1 line of data in a SAMIEEE query. You can eliminate otherwise duplicate entries for all members in the query by noting, in the downloaded spreadsheet, in the “Data” tab, “Remove Duplicates” ; I use the Member Number column to be filtered. This duplicate removal cannot be effected in the original query. Don’t use this process if you have multiple positions for one or more members.