Enchanting Butterflies Similes and Metaphors Created by TEACHERS UNLEASHED
What is a Simile? A simile uses the words “like” or “as” to compare one object with another to suggest they are alike or similar.
The caterpillar ate leaves like a hungry monkey eating his bananas. SIMILE EXAMPLE: The caterpillar ate leaves like a hungry monkey eating his bananas. Is the caterpillar a monkey? No! We are just comparing how he is eating to a monkey!
What is a Metaphor? A metaphor is like a simile. It compares two things, but DOES NOT use the words ‘like’ or ‘as’. A simile would say you are like something, where a metaphor would say you are something.
METAPHOR EXAMPLE: The butterfly was an angel, floating toward the sky. Is the butterfly an angel? No! We are just comparing how he is flying to an angel!
See if you can tell whether the statement is a simile or metaphor. Now it’s your turn! See if you can tell whether the statement is a simile or metaphor.
SIMILE The butterfly was as colorful as a rainbow. Is it a simile or metaphor? SIMILE
METAPHOR The butterfly is a zebra, spotted black and white. Is it a simile or metaphor? METAPHOR
SIMILE The butterfly’s wings are fragile like newly spun spider webs. Is it a simile or metaphor? SIMILE
METAPHOR The butterfly is a princess, walking daintily across the flower. Is it a simile or metaphor? METAPHOR
SIMILE The caterpillar is like a baby, waiting for its metamorphosis. Is it a simile or metaphor? SIMILE
Is it a simile or metaphor? The cocoon is a dressing room, preparing the caterpillar for its entrance. Is it a simile or metaphor? METAPHOR
METAPHOR Is it a simile or metaphor? The butterfly is a floating sapphire, as it soars through the air. Is it a simile or metaphor? METAPHOR
The butterfly’s spots are like eyeballs, watching me as it flies. Is it a simile or metaphor? SIMILE
The butterfly climbed up the tree like a lizard climbing a rock. Is it a simile or metaphor? SIMILE
Now let’s see how creative you can be! Try to create your own simile or metaphor using the prompt and your whiteboard or piece of paper!
Create a METAPHOR The butterfly is a _________, ______________________________. To finish the sentence describe what it does to make that comparison.
Create a SIMILE The caterpillar is like a _________, ______________________________. To finish the sentence, describe what it does to make that comparison.
Create a METAPHOR The baby caterpillars are _________, ______________________________. To finish the sentence describe what they do to make that comparison.
Create a SIMILE The butterflies played in the garden like _________,___________. To finish the sentence, describe what it does to make that comparison.
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