Day 9
Survival Game Imagine that your cruise ship just sank in the Caribbean and you awaken to find yourselves on a tropical island. You and your group are the only survivors. A storm appears to be on the way and you decide that you need to prepare to survive on the island for some time and need to be spotted by a rescue party. There is a bunch of stuff from the ship on the beach that could help you, but you need to decide which are the most important.
Your Mission Step 1: Each of you writes down on a separate piece of paper the rank of importance of the items. Step 2: Rank the order of these items based on their importance to you. Give the most crucial item a 1 and the least crucial item a 15.
The List Sextant 20 square feet of opaque plastic sheeting Shaving mirror Can of shark repellent Quantity of mosquito netting One bottle of 160 proof run 25 liter container of water 15 feet of nylon rope Case of army rations 2 boxes of chocolate bars Maps of the ocean Ocean fishing kit and pole Floating seat cushion 10 liter can of oil/gasoline mixture Small transistor radio
Share with your partner Step 3: Share your list with your partner. Together come up with a consensus ranking. Talk it over, work as a team, and problem solve together to make the final decisions.
Coast Guard Expert Analysis Item Coast Guard Ranking Reasoning Sextant 15 Useless without the integral tables and a chronometer. Shaving mirror 1 Absolutely critical; most powerful tool you have for communicating your presence. In sunlight, a simple mirror can generate light seen beyond the horizon. Quantity of mosquito netting 14 There are no mosquitos and it is useless for anything else. 25 liter container of water 3 Vital to restore fluids lost through perspiration. 25 liters will supply water rations for your group for several days. Case of army rations 4 This is your basic food intake. Maps of the ocean 13 Worthless without navigation equipment.
Item Coast Guard Ranking Reasoning Floating seat cushion 9 Useful as a life preserver if someone fell overboard. 10 liter can of oil/gasoline mixture 2 Second most critical item for signaling. The mixture will float on water and can be ignited using the matches. 20 sq. ft. of opaque plastic sheeting 5 Can be used to collect rain water and shelter from wind and waves. Can of shark repellent 10 To repel sharks, of course! One bottle of 160 proof rum 11 Contains 80% alcohol, which means it can be used as an antiseptic for an y injuries, otherwise of little value. Will cause dehydration if drunk. 15 ft. nylon rope 8 Could be used to last people or equipment together to prevent being washed overboard. There are a variety of other uses, but none high on the list for survival.
Item Coast Guard Ranking Reasoning 2 boxes of chocolate bars 6 Your reserve food supply Ocean fishing kit with pole 7 Ranked lower than the chocolate as there is no guarantee you will catch any fish. The pole might be used as a tent pole.
Scores 0-25 Excellent You demonstrated great survival skills. Rescued! 26-32 Good Above average results. Good survival skills. Rescued! 33-45 Average Seasick, hungry and tired. Rescued! 46-55 Fair Dehydrated and barely alive. It was tough, but rescued! 56-70 Poor Rescued, but only just in time! 71+ Very poor Oh dear, your empty raft is washed up on a beach, weeks after search was called off. For each item, count how many numbers off you were and add them up. Would you have survived? How was it working in a group? Did you all agree? Harder or easier? How did Timothy and Phillip come to most of their decisions?
Journal Choose one of the topics to write about: Visualize the hurricane and its aftermath and then draw a detailed picture of the storm. Beneath the illustration write a brief description of your interpretation of the hurricane. An epitaph is a written memory of a loved one. Write an epitaph for Timothy in the form of a poem, song, speech, or letter.
Insert Text Here 4 5 3 1 5 4 2 7 6 8 9 1 5 6 4 3 5 2 9 4 5 3 2 1 6 7 2 3 1 8 7 4 1 9 1 8 7 8 6 2 3 8 9 7 6 4 5 4 5 3 4 2 9 3 5 1 2 6 9 8 7 Hours Minutes Seconds