Do First ACTIONS: TURN IN YOUR SAFETY POSTER TAKE YOUR NAME TENTS OUT Whose birthday is it? What should you do when you are tardy?
Agenda Rules Review Scientific Process Notes Penny Lab
Class Procedures (Don’t be surprised if you have a pop quiz on this and the syllabus) Bathroom Go before class If you really need to go, ask permission and you can go if you give up your phone. You will get it back when you return to class If you don’t have a cell phone don’t ask to go and go before class. Testing All electronic devices will be turned into teacher Classwork/Homework turned in before test Belongings will be placed at the front of the class You will get your belongings back when everyone is done with testing Classwork/Homework You will only receive a stamp or signature if 100% complete Homework must be turned in at the beginning of class before the bell Turn in classwork to the correct class drawer Don’t begin classwork until told to do so Labs If you do not clean up your space during lab, points will be deducted from your grade Exiting Complete the DOL Push in your chair at the end of class 6th period: Place your chairs on top of your desk
Scientific Process
Human beings are curious by nature Ask a Question Human beings are curious by nature Questions could be how, when, or why something happens Human beings are curious by nature. Asking a question is the first step in the scientific method.
Background Information Ask a Question Background information could be gathered from previous knowledge or research Helps the researcher develop a hypothesis (otherwise you would just be guessing) Background Information
Background Information Ask a Question A suggested answer to the question based on background information Must be testable Must be in an “If… Then…” format Ex: If a plant gets no sun, then it won’t grow as well as a plant that does get sun Background Information Hypothesis
Background Information Ask a Question Procedure to test the hypothesis Scientists change one factor & observe or measure what happens The independent variable is changed by experimenter The dependent variable is measured Test one thing at a time Control factors are used for fair comparison Background Information Hypothesis Experiment
Background Information Ask a Question Results of experiment are called data May be qualitative (descriptions) or quantitative (numbers) Can be organized into tables and/or graphs Background Information Hypothesis Experiment Collect Data
Background Information Ask a Question When you analyze your results, you make sense of the data (explain it) Find averages, highest, lowest, etc. Background Information Hypothesis Experiment Collect Data Analyze Results
Background Information Ask a Question The answer to the question based on the data obtained from the experiment Answer will support or not support hypothesis Background Information Hypothesis Experiment Collect Data Analyze Results Conclusion
Penny Lab Using the scientific method, through a simple science process
DYL: Did You Learn? What is the first step of the scientific method? If you reject your hypothesis, then what should your next step be?