Wednesday, April 11 Date Entry Title Entry # Turn in your cards. Put them in the Spurs bag in front of my desk. 2. Update your Table of Contents if you did not on Thursday Date Entry Title Entry # 4/4 Immigration worksheet 49 4/5 Era of Reform notes 50 4/10 Causes of the Civil War movie 51 4/11 Civil War Causes Worksheet 52 3. Turn to entry #51: Causes of the Civil War movie
Did Mrs. Siek take role???? Yes – go on to next slide No – GO TAKE ROLE NOW!!!!!
2nd Economic Expansion Map – Learning Recovery, Monday April 16th STAAR Flashcards – Learning Recovery Monday, April 16 Hannah X Mackenzie Jeremy
3rd Flashcards Learning Recovery, Monday April 16th Alex x Ambien Shelby
5th Economic Expansion map Learning Recovery, Monday April 16th Flashcards Jesse X Emily Noah L.
6th Flashcards Learning Recovery, Monday April 16th Cason X Victor Andrew S.
8th Flashcards Learning Recovery, Monday April 16th Mayra X Cameron Patience
Liberty and the Constitution Slavery and the Western Territories Causes of the Civil War The Industrial North Agricultural South The Slave South Slave Life and Revolt Abolition Movement Argument Over Slavery Liberty and the Constitution Slavery and the Western Territories Dred Scott v. Sandford A House Divided
What do I do now? Fill in Civil War Causes Worksheet (by yourself) Use pages 342-458 in the blue textbook. I have given you the page numbers for each box. Read the whole passage before you write in your box!!!!!