Permissive Temporary Duty (PTDY) and Excessive Leave Element # 34 Page 171
Purpose: The intent of PTDY and Excess Leave is to authorize service members time away from their assigned duties to assist with transition activities such as job and house hunting Approved at command discretion Service member may take PTDY or EL but not both
What we will be discussing Eligibility to use PTDY The length of PTDY Travel and limitations for members and their dependents performing PTDY Excess Leave in lieu of PTDY
PTDY Eligibility Involuntary Discharge or Release (under Honorable Conditions) Retirees Discharge for Medical Reasons Temporary and Permanent Disability Retired List (TDRL/PDRL)
PTDY Time Limits Members stationed in the continental United States (CONUS) may receive up to a total of 10 or 20 days transition PTDY depending on whether they are being Involuntarily Separated (10 days) Retired (20 days)
PTDY Time Limits (continued) Members stationed outside of the continental United States (OCONUS) may receive an additional 10 days PTDY depending on whether a round trip will be made or not Up to 20 days involuntary separation and up to 30 days for retirement
PTDY Time Limits (continued) CONUS members who have legal domiciles OCONUS and plan to return to the OCONUS location after involuntary separation or retirement may be authorized up to a total of 30 days transition PTDY.
Use of PTDY The period of PTDY that may be authorized includes weekends and holidays PTDY may be taken in increments as long as the total number of days does not exceed what is granted PTDY may not be combined with liberty weekends, special liberty, or holidays, to extend the period of actual job/ house hunting activities beyond the 10-, 20- or 30- day authorities
Use of PTDY (cont’d) PTDY may be taken in conjunction with chargeable leave at no cost to the government PTDY may be taken in conjunction with government funded temporary additional duty (TAD) travel PTDY may be taken in conjunction with terminal leave immediately upon completion of all separation processing
Travel Eligibility during PTDY OCONUS members are authorized use of space available military travel OCONUS command sponsored dependents may travel on space available government air for one round trip between the overseas port of debarkation and the first CONUS port of entry
Excess Leave Excess Leave option is not available for retirees No more than 30 days EL can be granted Servicemembers transitioning with an SPD code that confers transition benefits have the option of requesting 30 days EL in lieu of PTDY Individual in EL status does not receive pay
Takeaways Involuntary Separations (under Honorable Conditions), Retirees, Medical Separations, PDRL/ TDRL are the only members eligible PTDY and Excess Leave is subject to mission requirements and command approval PTDY may be taken all at once or in increments EL may be taken in lieu of PTDY
RESOURCES: MILPERSMAN 1320 – 210: Permissive TAD Authorization for Residence Hunting MILPERSMAN 1320 – 220: Permissive Temporary Duty (PTDY) Authorization for Job/ House Hunting Admin / Personnel Office “Their Commander”