Shortcuts of the day Ctr/alt/delete - starts task manager (often used to help you shut down or log off if your computer seems stuck) Shift/alt/d – automatically inserts the date into a Word document or PP
Email Etiquette NEVER USE ALL CAPS! MANY PEOPLE INTERPRET IT AS SHOUTING! Always put a subject in the subject line. Sometimes this determines if people will even read your email. Email is like the modern version of a letter. It is NOT text! Terms like ‘idk’ or ‘k’ are okay for texting, but not for email. Use correct grammar and punctuation. Be polite! Use actual names; do not just start typing your message. Sign your email. Decide if you should be hitting “reply” or “reply all” What is the difference between cc and bcc? Do not overuse emojis! One or two is fine, but more than that can be annoying. Proofread. Check spelling and grammar. What is mood in an email? Sound happy and enthusiastic even if you’re having a very bad day.
Send a proper email to someone Choose someone to whom you’d like to send an email – your mom, dad, grandma, friend, or even me ( Remember the etiquette rules we talked about and apply them to your email. Bcc me on your email so that I can give you participation points for completing this assignment as well as feedback for what you could improve.
Example email Dear class, Thank you very much for being active learners in my class today! You are learning skills that will help you be successful in whatever you choose to do someday. Email etiquette is important for everyone to learn. I hope you have a good day! Sincerely, Mrs. Sill
Example email Dear Mom, I am in computer class right now learning how to send polite and proper email. Can you believe I am allowed to send you an email during class as part of my assignment? I hope you are having a good day! Love, (Your name)