BASIC ASSUMPTIONS People are social beings (social interest) People are goal driven * to be safe * to belong * to be significant People can make choices People strive for superiority (inferiority complex)
BASIC ASSUMPTIONS Dysfunctional behavior is a result of mistaken beliefs (perfectionism) and lack of social interest Social factors as contributing to behavior (poverty, discrimination, etc.) Antideterministic The need for encouragement
ASSESSMENT Basic part of Adlerian therapy Lifestyle and faulty goals Private logic Family constellation Birth order Parental relationships Family values Early recollections
THERAPEUTIC GOALS/PROCEDURES Need for a close, warm relationship with client, an ability to empathize A collaborative process Before behavior can change the private logic must change Four phase process * establishing the relationship * analysis and assessment * insight * reorientation
TECHNIQUES INCLUDE: Active Listening The “What If…” Question (How Would You Like It To Be?) Encouragement Confrontation (Spitting In The Soup-what’s The Payoff For This Behavior?) Interpretation By The Therapist Suggestions Homework Paradoxical Intention (Prescribing The Symptom)