SEND Transformation
Context 2.7% of children in Wigan are recorded as having an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) compared to a national (England) figure of 2.8%. The total number of Pupils with SEN (EHCP and SEN Support) is 6963 which is 14.9% of the total population. The North West overall percentage is 14.4%. We currently maintain 1700+ EHCP/Statements which is an increase of 431 since 2014; we are also experiencing a huge rise in requests for new assessments currently running at an increase of 68% from 16/17.
What have we done Internal audits Assessment of all of our special school stock Reviewed provision and need Held some consultations Completed SEF Commissioned Independent Strategic review Visioning day/workshops
What we think we know we do well Good relationship with our families & voice of the child Work well with health colleagues and other partners including schools Compliance on transfers and completion of EHCPs Very low rate of tribunals Effective early identification of SEND in EY Good offer of post 16 provision (education) CLA – good support Good quality social work support for children in need of help and protection and children in care with SEN Support services Offer excellent special school provision Solution focused
Challenges/pressures Number of additional requests for EHCPs Demand for additional funds/ current budget Demand for Specialist provision Current Special School Buildings Support Services capacity Autism delays & increase in diagnoses Support for managing behaviour at home Effective transition arrangements Academic performance Mental Health increase in demand Primary & Secondary school tolerance
Some of the priorities Participation & co-production – develop a strategy. Asset based approach and unlocking The Deal. Funding review. Capital investment into special schools. Development of neurodevelopmental pathway. SEND peer reviews. Freshlook – transition. CAMHS schools links / Mental health and emotional well-being. Local Offer. Joint commissioning. Academic support. HFA Outreach and support for schools and families.
The Future priorities following the SEND implementation phase (DFE) Focus on SEN support in school Mainstreaming SEND Value for money Joint commissioning Co-production with families at operational and strategic level Amendments, quality and annual review of plans, must be accessible to young people and parent/carers (in their language) Developing new provision should be based around intelligence, being needs led and not provision led. Local authorities should be able to demonstrate how they are keeping up with the day job, and putting the statutory duties in the forefront