Do you know who’s watching you? To know what an issue is. To understand how one’s privacy can be an issue. To be able to analyze the issue of privacy and the different viewpoints/opinions there are in the readings and amongst your classmates. Issue; Viewpoint; Surveillance Scanning; Debate
In your groups, I want you to look up the word issue. To know what an issue is. To understand how one’s privacy can be an issue. In your groups, I want you to look up the word issue. I want you to write down issues that people are discussing in the news or in every day life. 5-minutes Issue; Viewpoint; Scanning; Debate
Issue; Viewpoint; Surveillance To know what an issue is. To understand how one’s privacy can be an issue. Look up the word “eavesdrop”. In your groups, why do people eavesdrop? Think of a situation in which you eavesdropped and explain why you did it? Be honest! LOL Issue; Viewpoint; Surveillance Scanning; Debate
Issue; Viewpoint; Surveillance To understand how one’s privacy can be an issue. To be able to analyze the issue of privacy and the different viewpoints/opinions there are in the readings and amongst your classmates. Turn to page 134 in your Parallels textbooks. BIG QUESTION: Do you think that Canadians have any privacy nowadays? Issue; Viewpoint; Surveillance Scanning; Debate
Teachers should be under video surveillance in the classroom Teachers should be under video surveillance in the classroom. AGREE or DISAGREE Parents should not use hidden video surveillance to monitor their child’s nanny? AGREE or DISAGREE Police should wear video cameras when they are on duty interacting with the public. AGREE or DISAGREE Suspecting husbands/wives should spy on their spouse to see if they are cheating. AGREE or DISAGREE
-Extension- 5. For years, downtown residents have put up with drug selling and prostitution in their neighbourhood. A small group has organized a petition calling for the installation of CCTV security cameras. There are more than 5,000 names on the petition. You are the mayor. Do you comply with the petition?
Personal privacy does not exist in today’s technological world Personal privacy does not exist in today’s technological world. AGREE or DISAGREE Video surveillance in the school or workplace is not acceptable. AGREE or DISAGREE Parents should not use hidden video surveillance to monitor their children’s behaviour. AGREE or DISAGREE Parents should not use hidden video surveillance to monitor their child’s nanny? AGREE or DISAGREE Storeowners should not have the right to ban hooded teens from their stores. AGREE or DISAGREE Electronic surveillance promotes good social conduct. AGREE or DISAGREE
Do you know who’s watching you? SURVEILLANCE: close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal. To know what an issue is. To understand how one’s privacy can be an issue. To be able to analyze the issue of privacy and the different viewpoints/opinions there are in the readings and amongst your classmates. Issue; Viewpoint; Surveillance Scanning; Debate
Is it beyond our control? To know about gun control in Canada. To understand how to scan for information about gun control. To be able to demonstrate your understanding of the issue of gun control by analyzing the different viewpoints. Issue; Viewpoint; Scanning; Debate
To understand how to scan for information about gun control. To be able to demonstrate your understanding of the issue of gun control by analyzing the different viewpoints. Most shootings that occur at schools, like Dawson College, are usually carried out by men. Is this fact significant? People who are opposed to gun control claim that, “... Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.” What do they mean by this statement? What is the most important thing society can do to prevent another school scooting? Justify your choice. Issue; Viewpoint; Scanning; Debate