AVAILABLE FOR STUDENTS OF AAFT ACCREDITED COURSES SPECIAL OFFER! FREE ASSSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP To change this brochure, replace our sample content with your own. Or, if you'd rather start from a clean slate, press the New Slide button on the Home tab to insert a new page. Now enter your text in the empty placeholders. AVAILABLE FOR STUDENTS OF AAFT ACCREDITED COURSES For 2015 Only, students who apply for associate membership will be offered one year free! Simply complete the Associate Application form, available from the AAFT website, and send it in with proof of enrolment from an AAFT accredited course to receive 2015 membership free! GO to www.aaft.asn.au to download the associate membership form today! Contact Mia Trujillo or Danielle Anderson at the AAFT office for inquiries: AAFT administration on 03 9429 9938 admin@aaft.asn.au www.aaft.asn.au