College Principles Partnership and co-production Educational not therapeutic Strengths-based - person-centred For everyone - people with health challenges, their relatives / carers and staff Helps people identify and reach their own goals.
Hope Opportunity Control inspiring hope for the future despite life’s challenges Opportunity Hearing experiences of others to help you learn Control Providing you with knowledge and skills to make the changes that are right for you
Co-production Co-production makes sure people with lived experience are equal partners in the college Support course development and delivery.
Peer involvement Develop confidence Increase knowledge Help identify goals Students bring commitment, skills, interest, energy, enthusiasm Involvement
Courses delivered North Herts East & South East Herts North West Herts Letchworth Stevenage East & South East Herts Bishop’s Stortford Waltham Cross Ware North West Herts Hemel Hempstead St Albans South west Herts Hatfield Watford
North Herts 23% (217) North West Herts 30% (275) East & South East Herts 25% (231) South West Herts 22% (202)
What students say ‘The college should be on prescription for happiness’. ‘I wish I had know about New Leaf sooner, I ‘ve learned many useful skills that I can use in daily life’. I learned about my own wellbeing and how to apply tools to help myself and share with other people.’ ‘The tutors used words and language I could understand and I felt safe in talking about my own experience.’
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