Target Fragmentation and Fracture Functions an introduction


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Presentation transcript:

Target Fragmentation and Fracture Functions an introduction tools to handle target fragmentation in semi- inclusive deep inelastic scattering L. Trentadue Semi-Inclusive Reactions (SIR) Workshop 2005 Session: Target Fragmentation Friday, May 20, 2005 presented by Misha Osipenko

Semi-inclusive process pT transverse momentum 

Hadron is emitted from the struck quark after absorption of Semi Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering Current Fragmentation Hadron is emitted from the struck quark after absorption of the virtual photon

pT>>QCD>0 Hadrons may also come from elsewhere ! Semi Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering Target Fragmentation Fracture Function pT>>QCD>0 Fracture Functions = Fragmentation + structure

The combination of the Fracture Function with the target-Fragmentation evolution gives the evolution equation: Homogeneus ( usual Altarelli Parisi type) term + Inhomogeneus term +

1) Fracture Functions satisfy unitarity Several properties: 1) Fracture Functions satisfy unitarity 2) Fracture Functions factorize 3) Extended M(x,z,t,Q2)-Fracture Functions satisfy Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi type evolution equations

Applications: Diffraction: s t Diffractive structure functions represent asymptotic limit of the fracture functions

Observed diffractive cross section demonstrates Q2 behavior similar to that expected from pQCD.

Next-to-leading Fracture Functions Q2=4.2 GeV2 x=0.495 LO NLO

Other interesting applications and developments: LEPTO event generator exhibits target fragmentation contribution amplified in case of polarization asymmetries. Additional term can reach 10%

Fracture Functions : spin dependent Real scale in the target-current fragmentation separation is t, which can be small also at large Q2 or invariant mass s (HERMES, NOMAD). Fracture functions naturally generates T-odd SSA.

Fracture Functions Future: As Misha (Osipenko) will show to you later in this session Jlab experiments may give some further insights hopefully in target fragmentation in SIDIS and further assess the combined current + target final state description

Fracture Functions an introduction tools to handle target fragmentation L. Trentadue Semi-Inclusive Reactions (SIR) Workshop 2005 Session: Target Fragmentation Friday, May 20, 2005 presented by Misha Osipenko

+ DGLAP evolution equation with standard splitting functions Momentum sum rule Process independent definition Hadron-hadron collisions N1+N2hX + In assumption of the factorization