Tuesday, September 18, 2018 Answer the following discussion questions using at least 5-8 sentences total. If Ms. Overton were to ask you to annotate an.


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Presentation transcript:

Tuesday, September 18, 2018 Answer the following discussion questions using at least 5-8 sentences total. If Ms. Overton were to ask you to annotate an article, what THREE things would you do as you read? Why would she even ask you to annotate the article? Explain your reasoning.

A Close Reading Strategy for Better Comprehension Text Annotation A Close Reading Strategy for Better Comprehension

What is Text Annotation? While reading, students mark the pages for Important information Text meaning or key details Ideas and questions Some readers mark the text extensively; some readers only mark the parts they think are important or problematic. It’s not essential how MUCH students annotate, only that they DO annotate. The act of marking the page while reading makes it more likely that students will read closely and attentively.

Annotation Strategies ** First, number the paragraphs. Underline key information. Do you see a fact that you’d like to remember? Underline it! Then, briefly explain in the margins why you underlined it. Circle unfamiliar vocabulary words. First, try to figure out the definition using context clues, but if that doesn’t work, pull out a dictionary! Write the definition in your own words next to the unfamiliar vocabulary word. Underlining important and key ideas allows readers to find essential information without having to reread the entire text. When sections of text are connected, drawing lines or arrows between connecting ideas allows the reader to “see” those connections without having to reread the entire text. It also helps readers make critical text-to-text connections while they read.

Annotation Strategies Write down in the margins any comments or questions you have about the content. How does the text make you feel? How can you relate to the text? (Text  World, Text  Self, Text  Text) Provide a summary of the entire article at the end. Remember that summaries are objective and should contain only important details. Write this summary on your article underneath the last paragraph. Make sure you label it “Summary.” Underlining important and key ideas allows readers to find essential information without having to reread the entire text. When sections of text are connected, drawing lines or arrows between connecting ideas allows the reader to “see” those connections without having to reread the entire text. It also helps readers make critical text-to-text connections while they read.

Just like in ALWTW, use a variety of annotations Just like in ALWTW, use a variety of annotations! You should have AT LEAST TEN annotations for this article, and then you should have the summary at the end.

Annotating Quiz Questions Read the question and ALL the answer choices. Notice the words that are in bold or ALL CAPS. Underline key words in the question. Eliminate AT LEAST TWO answer choices that you know for sure are not the correct answer. Circle your answer. Using at least 1-2 sentences, briefly explain why you chose that answer. Write this explanation in the margins next to the question.