Early America & Exploration
Glaciers froze lowering sea levels Early america Glaciers froze lowering sea levels This created a land bridge between Asia and Alaska Hunters used Beringa into North America
Early Americans lived as big games hunters Temperatures warmed and sea levels rose Beringa was covered with water cutting off travel between Asia and Alaska Warmer weather killing off large animals and Natives had to hunt small game, fish, and collect berries
Early americans Many groups settled in North America, as well as Mexico and South America Many people settled in Mexico and became farmers Agricultural techniques spread through the Americas People began to stay in one place and create communities Others continued to be NOMADIC moving from place to place
The first great empires developed in Southern Mexico Early americans The first great empires developed in Southern Mexico The Maya and Aztec both were created sophisticated civilizations South America also had the Inca Empire that stretched for 2,500 miles All three empires were engineers, astronomers, and mathematicians
Early americans Agricultural techniques were introduced in North America by the Hohokam and Anasazi The Hohokam and Anasazi settled in the deserts of the Southwest To the east and west were the Adena, Hopewell and Mississippian tribes These three tribes were good traders and builders and are the ancestors to many Native American tribes
Early americans Native Americans varied from region to region Kashaya Pomo lived in the marshlands of central California The Yurok and Hupa lived in Northern California The Nootka, Haida, and Kwakiutl lived between Alaska and California The Pueblo and Pima lived in the dry Southwest The Iroquois lived in the Northeast United States
Early americans This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Early americans This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC
Early americans This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
Early americans This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Early American questions What were the effects of agriculture on the hunting and gathering people of the Americas? In what ways did early Native American societies leave their mark upon the landscape?