PH3520 / Particle Physics Autumn term 2010 – week 4 Glen Cowan Stewart Boogert Glen Cowan RHUL Physics
The Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) Glen Cowan RHUL Physics
The PEP-II e+e- collider ~1/2 mile diameter tunnel at end of linear accelerator houses separate beam lines for counter-rotating e+ and e- beams. Glen Cowan RHUL Physics
Glen Cowan RHUL Physics
The BaBar detector Glen Cowan RHUL Physics
Particle lifetimes The proper lifetime of a particle follows an exponential probability distribution: So if we measure the proper decay time for a number of decays and enter it in a histogram, it will follow an exponential curve convoluted with a function related to the measurement accuracy of the detector: Glen Cowan RHUL Physics