RDLS Math Night April 2018
Important Ideas in Kindergarten Fall Spring -Count to 10 -Count objects 1:1 to 10 -Recognize numerals 0 to 10 -Count to 31 (forward and backward) -Count objects 1:1 to 31 -Recognize numerals to 31 -Write numerals to 31 -order numbers from least to greatest -Find 1 more and less than a number -When counting a group of objects, the last number said is how many objects there are. Big ideas: Connecting the numbers we write to quantities or things 3 = The last number we say when we count represents the total 5 = Recognizing the repeating pattern of the counting numbers: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22… .
How to support your children at home? Counting Collections: https://www.teachingchannel.org/blog/2018/01/26/building-mathematical-thinking/#more-290255
Questions you can ask when counting collections Can you give me the _____ ones? How many ______ do you have? Let’s count together! Which has the most? Which has the least? Can you give me_____? How many are left? If I give you ____ more how many do you have? Can you put them in (my hand, the bag) 1 by 1? Can you double check? Between this group and that group which has the most? How many more do you need to have _____? How many do you have again?
Hablemos Sobre Las Matemáticas http://talkingisteaching.org/hablar-es-ense%C3%B1ar/resources/hablemos-sobre-las-matem%C3%A1ticas
Important ideas in First Grade Counting/Place Value Adding/Subtracting Other Counting: -Count to 120 (forward and backward) -Read and write numbers to 120 -Skip count by 2s, 5s, 10s Place Value -Identify digits in the tens and ones place and their value -Find 1 and 10 more/less than a number -Compare and order numbers up to 120 -Doubles facts -Make 10 -How fact families work -Add 1, 2, 3 -Count on from higher number (don't have to start at 1) Money/Time -Name coins and values (penny, nickel, dime, quarter). -Find the value of a group of coins (up to one dollar). -Tell time to hour and half hour Geometry -Name and describe (sides and vertices) of basic shapes (2D: circle, triangle, square, rectangle, trapezoid, hexagon) (3D: cube, cone, cylinder, sphere, rectangular prism) A ____ has _____ sides and vertices. Big Ideas: Ten is the foundation of our number system. 8+2= 10 so 8+3= (8+2)+1 25 = 2 tens and 5 ones 25 + 10 = 20 + 5 + 10 43 - 14 = 43 - 10 - 3 - 1 1 dime= 10 cents, 2 nickels= 10 cents, 10 pennies= 10 cents, 10 dimes = 1 dollar
Games to support your child’s math thinking
Important Ideas in Second Grade Counting/Place Value Adding/Subtracting Other Co -Count, read, and write numbers to 1,000 Place Value -Identify digits in the hundreds, tens, and ones place and their value -Find 1, 10, 100 more and less than a number -Understand/know that 10 ones = 1 ten, 10 tens = 1 hundred, 10 hundreds = 1,000 -Round to the nearest 10 and 100 -Compare and order numbers up to 1,000 -1 digit numbers -2 digit numbers -Estimate sums and differences of 2 digit numbers Money/Time -Find the value of a group of coins. -Determine different combinations of coins that equal a given amount. -Tell time to the quarter hour Geometry -Name and describe (sides and vertices) of basic shapes (2D: circle, triangle, square, rectangle, trapezoid, hexagon) (3D: cube, cone, cylinder, sphere, rectangular prism) A ____ has _____ sides and vertices. Big Ideas: Ten is still very important, but now we learn that 10 tens = 100 and 10 hundreds = 1000. 100 = 10 tens so 210= 21 tens We have to pay attention to the value of the digits in the number. 432= 4 hundreds, 3 tens and 2 ones 432 + 126= (400 + 100) + (30 + 20) + (2 + 6)
How to support your children at home?
Two Other Great Resources! Bedtime Math: http://bedtimemath.org/apps/ Which one doesn’t belong: http://www.wodb.ca/shapes.html
Important Things to Remember… -Knowing a concept in one language helps children learn it in another language -Math in elementary school is where students learn the foundational for students conceptual understanding -Speed is not as important as understanding why - Thinking, noticing patterns and making connections is what is important for children in elementary school