Global Gender Statistics Programme United Nations Statistics Division Workshop on Household Surveys and Measurement of Labour Force with Focus on Informal Economy Maseru, Lesotho, 14-18 April 2008
Overarching Goal To enhance the capacity of countries to collect, disseminate and use quality statistics and indicators to assess the relative situation of women and men in various areas of policy concern
Background: IAEGM on the Development of Gender Statistics, 12-14 December, New York, NY Conclusions Growing demand for quality gender statistics and indicators Recent activities, while wide ranging, have been fragmented and isolated with limited impact Need to create synergies among existing initiatives Need for better management and dissemination of accumulated wealth of information and experience Need for methodological developments in emerging areas of gender concern
Background: IAEGM on the Development of Gender Statistics, 12-14 December, New York, NY Recommendations Establish an Inter-Agency and Expert Group to review progress and provide guidance Organize a Global Forum on Gender Statistics Establish a system for the effective dissemination of gender statistics and indicators, materials and other resources Develop training courses and materials for statisticians
Programme Areas & Objectives Area: International coordination Objective: Improve global coherence Area: Methods Objective: Promote methodological developments Area: Capacity-Building Objective: Build technical capacity Area: Info. Management & Dissemination Objective: Improve access to data and materials
Key Activities Overall Programme Global assessment of gender statistics programmes and activities, resources and needs in: National Statistical Offices UN Regional Commissions, Agencies, Departments Development Partners
Key Activities Area: International coordination Establishment of Inter-Agency and Expert Group Organization of annual follow-up IAEG meetings Organization of Global Gender Statistics Forum Reporting at relevant meetings including SC, SCW, CCSA, IAEG-MDG
IAEG Structure Tasks Provide guidance at global level Review progress Propose actions Composition UN Departments, Regional Commissions, Agencies, Funds and Programmes Other International organizations Development Partners National Statistical Offices Meeting Annual in conjunction with Global Gender Statistics Forum
Global Gender Statistics Forum Objectives Promote collaboration Raise awareness Share experiences, best practices and new developments Create a community of practice Participation National Statistical Offices and Ministries UN Departments, Regional Commissions, Agencies, Funds and Programmes Other International organizations Development Partners Meeting 2007: 10-12 December, Rome, Italy 2008 : November, Accra, Ghana (tentative)
Report at special event IAEG Recognition at SC Instrumental to seek recognition from Statistical Commission Report at special event Seek recognition 2008 2009 Statistical Commission Annual Meetings
Key Activities Area: Methods Conduct research on topics such as: Gender-based violence Time-use Unpaid work Employment in Informal Economy Poverty Organization of Expert Group Meetings
Key Activities Area: Capacity-Building Set-up of an advisory group to provide guidance based on assessment of resources and needs Conduct of training workshops Production of gender statistics, key topics, sensitization Development of training handbook, curricula and materials for use in multiple settings Provision of direct technical cooperation to countries Production of gender statistics, database setup, analysis
Key Activities Area: Information Management & Dissemination Set-up of an advisory group to provide guidance based on assessment of data needs and data availability Establishment of a Global Database of Gender Indicators and related materials Production of related products, such as CD-ROMs, booklets, wall charts, etc Continuation of World’s Women series Analysis of trends in key areas, review of data availability
Implementation UNSD in partnership with relevant UN departments, regional commissions, agencies, funds, programmes, development partners and other institutions
Contact information Contact person: Elisa Benes: Cc: United Nations Statistics Division