NS4053 Fall 2013 African Governance and the Oil Curse


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Presentation transcript:

NS4053 Fall 2013 African Governance and the Oil Curse

Africa: Vulnerable Countries, 2009 GDP Growth African Development Bank, African Economic Outlook, 2010

Africa: Resilient Countries, 2009 GDP Growth African Development Bank, African Economic Outlook, 2010

The Crisis and African Security Many analysts believe the fallout from the global economic crisis could have implications for Africa’s political stability and security. May be particularly pertinent for post-conflict and fragile states where: Institutions are especially weak, Investors wary and donors under financial pressure to cut back aid. If the effects of the crisis linger pushing up the number of impoverished and unemployed individuals: Long standing potential instability may be ignited Especially the case if local populations identify their governments as the culprits of economic hardship Relatively weak governance and limited improvements in institutions in years underlie many of the continent’s Economic/Security vulnerabilities CRS, The Global Economic Crisis: Impact on Sub-Sahartan Africa and Global Policy Responses, April 6,2010

African Governance: Voice and Accountability

Country Governance: Voice and Accountability

African Governance: Political Stability

Country Governance: Political Stability

African Governance: Government Effectiveness

Country Governance: Government Effectiveness

Country Governance: Regulatory Quality

African Governance: Regulatory Quality

African Governance: Rule of Law

Country Governance: Rule of Law

African Governance: Control of Corruption

Country Governance: Control of Corruption