Back to School First Grade Presentation
Communication Email If your child will be absent, please contact the front office AND your child’s homeroom teacher Please be sure to check the first grade website thoroughly before e-mailing teachers. All important upcoming events and information will be featured on the website.
Schedule Homeroom – 8:05-8:10 Math – 8:10-9:08 Literacy Block 1 – 9:11-9:55 History – 9:57- 10:42 Lunch/Recess– 10:45-11:29 Literacy Block 2 – 11:30-1:05 Specials – 1:08-1:53 Recess/Snack – 1:56-2:24 Science – 2:27-3:12 Homeroom (Character) – 3:15-3:35
Curriculum Overview Math: Saxon Literacy: Spalding, Step Up to Writing, Shurley Grammar History: Core Knowledge Science: New Generation Science Standards Character Building: Character and AA Manners
Math: Saxon Spiraling curriculum Starts out “easy” Morning Meeting Math Facts New Concept Every Day Daily Review of Concepts Assessments every 5 Lessons (these will not come home) Vocabulary Assessments every 10 Lessons
Math: Saxon Homework- homework will come home in student’s RED folder most nights. please be sure to sign every night. 1 point is taken off for no parent signature Please turn homework in on time -10% one day late -50% two days late 0 credit if 3 or more days late
Literacy: Spalding, Step Up to Writing, and Shurley Grammar Spalding – phonograms, spelling, and weekly assessments Step Up to Writing – standards based writing curriculum to support students in the areas of vocabulary, language, listening, reading and writing Shurley Grammar – grammar support using jingles and daily grammar practice Literacy Homework- Students should be reading and/or read to for 20 minutes every night, and they can practice their spelling words, as well.
History: Core Knowledge Spiraling Curriculum First Grade Units include: Geography (7 continents, 4 oceans, countries of North America) Early Civilizations (Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, World Religions) Modern Civilizations and Culture (Mexico) Early People and Civilizations (Maya, Inca, Aztec) Early Exploration and Settlement of the Americas American Revolution
Science: New Generation Science Standards & STEM Hands on curriculum that teaches the scientific process First Grade Units Include: Light, Sound, and Electricity Universe (planets and stars) Hereditary Plants and Animals Growth and Development of Organisms STEM Units Include: Chemical Engineering Marine Biology
Behavior Management Reasonable and logical consequences Positive reinforcements (character cards, rebel rallies) Classroom reward systems Behavior Sheets
Infinite Campus Please check infinite campus daily for upcoming assignments and to be certain your student’s work has been turned in. Student’s assignments will be marked as “missing” if they were absent, did not turn in work, or the teacher does not have the assignment. Teacher will leave a comment in IC as to why the assignment was marked missing.
General Information Birthdays: Please contact your child’s homeroom teacher for information on how they celebrate birthdays. Edible snacks are no longer allowed for birthdays or for parties. Lunch Bunch: A special lunch for your child and a friend with their teacher in their classroom. Your homeroom teacher will contact you on how to sign-up! Snacks: Please send your child with 1 healthy snack every day. Water Bottles: Students should be bringing a water bottle to class every day. Yellow Folders: Students will be bringing home graded work, and other important information in their yellow folder on Fridays. You may KEEP all work that comes home in the yellow folder. Please have your child return their yellow folder every Monday to receive a sticker on their folder!
General Information Uniforms: Please refer to the uniform policy on the school website. You will start receiving phone calls for uniform infractions starting next week, and you will be asked to bring your child proper attire. Weather appropriate clothing Labeling: Please make sure ALL your student’s belongings (clothes, backpack, lunch box, water bottle, snow boots, etc.) are all labeled with first and last names. Toys: We love toys! However, they need to stay at home, because we are heartbroken when they are lost or broken. This includes sports equipment.
Specials (Art, Music, Technology, Physical Education) Teachers – Introduction of Specials teachers present. Curriculum Classroom resources and tools Extra Curricular opportunities Grading
Thank you for coming! Direct any questions to your child’s homeroom teacher via email. Two kids reading