Institute of Education Development RELANG in Albania Ludmilla Stefani FL specialist Institute of Education Development Tirana, Albania
FL taught English-French-German-Italian Grade 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 (classes per week) L2 2
Levels (L1) levels classes A1 A2 A2+ B1 B1+ B2 Class 12 Class 11
Levels (L2) levels classes A1 A1+ A2 A2+ Class 12 Class 11 Class 10
13-15 March 2018 “Relating language curricula, tests and examinations to the Common European Framework of Reference” Rita Juknevičienė & José Noijons 26 participants (MoESY, IDE, CES, University professors, teachers, teacher trainers, item writers) English, French, German, Italian
Aims: raise the awareness of the need of relating existing tests and examinations to the CEFR as a must for quality assurance in assessment and national exams. introduce to the principles of valid and reliable language testing in relation to the CEFR model of language use as well as to the principles of linking examinations to the CEFR. develop support materials to the specific needs of the National Examination Agency (NEA).
specific results set up a team to train teachers and teacher trainers on how to link the whole process of assessment to the CEFR assist and train teachers in writing tests for their students based on descriptive scheme and proficiency levels of the CEFR support CES to adopt tests and Examinations in relation to CEFR design tests templates in relation to the CEFR for school and classroom use
EXAMS Designed by CES (Centre for Education Services) 2018 Basic Education Exam (BEE)- A2 State Graduation Exam (SGE)- B1 Selective – B2 2019 Basic Education Exam (BEE)- A2 State Graduation Exam (SGE)- B2 Reading comprehension Use of language Writing 40% 20% Reading comprehension Use of language Writing 50% 28% 22%
workshops at universities
90 professional network leaders trained
Workshops in 13 RED 2000+ language teachers introduced to the principles of valid and reliable language testing in relation to the CEFR model of language use as well as to the principles of linking examinations to the CEFR.
Looking forward: Second Relang workshop Further training for the team More materials developed More Test templates designed assistance and training for teachers in writing tests for their students based on descriptive scheme and proficiency levels of the CEFR Other skills (listening and speaking) included
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