Tom Peters’ Leadership2002 Leading in Totally Screwed- Up Times Washington Speakers Bureau/05.14.2002
The Context.
“There will be more confusion in the business world in the next decade than in any decade in history. And the current pace of change will only accelerate.” Steve Case
“We are in a brawl with no rules.”—Paul Allaire
The Leadership45 (45 ideas in 45 minutes)
The Basic Premise.
1. Leadership Is a … Mutual Discovery Process.
“I don’t know.”
1A. Leaders Try … Not to Screw Things Up
“Ninety percent of what we call ‘management’ consists of making it difficult for people to get things done.” —P.D.
The Leadership Types.
2. Great Leaders on Snorting Steeds Are Important – but Great Talent Developers (Type I Leadership) are the Bedrock of Organizations that Perform Over the Long Haul.
25/8/53* (*Damn it!)
Whoops: Jack didn’t have a vision!
3. But Then Again, There Are Times When This “Cult of Personality” (Type II Leadership) Stuff Actually Works!
“A leader is a dealer in hope.” Napoleon (+TP’s writing room pics)
4. Find the “Businesspeople”! (Type III Leadership)
I.P.M. (Inspired Profit Mechanic)
5. Leadership Mantra #1: IT ALL DEPENDS!
Renaissance Men are … a snare, a myth, a delusion!
6. The Leader Is Rarely/Never the Best Performer.
33 Division Titles. 26 League Pennants. 14 World Series: Earl Weaver—0 33 Division Titles. 26 League Pennants. 14 World Series: Earl Weaver—0. Tom Kelly—0. Jim Leyland—0. Walter Alston—1AB. Tony LaRussa—132 games, 6 seasons. Tommy Lasorda—P, 26 games. Sparky Anderson—1 season.
The Leadership Dance.
7. Leaders … SHOW UP!
7A. Leaders … LOVE the MESS!
“I’m not comfortable unless I’m uncomfortable.”—Jay Chiat
“If things seem under control, you’re just not going fast enough “If things seem under control, you’re just not going fast enough.” Mario Andretti
8. Leaders DO!
The Kotler Doctrine: 1965-1980: R. A. F. (Ready. Aim. Fire The Kotler Doctrine: 1965-1980: R.A.F. (Ready.Aim.Fire.) 1980-1995: R.F.A. (Ready.Fire!Aim.) 1995-????: F.F.F. (Fire!Fire!Fire!)
9. BUT … Leaders Know When to Wait.
Tex Schramm: The “too hard” box!
10. Leaders Are … Optimists.
Half-full Cups: “[Ronald Reagan] radiated an almost transcendent happiness.” Lou Cannon, George (08.2000)
11. BUT … Leaders Are Realists/Leaders Win Through LOGISTICS!
The “Gus Imperative”!
12. Leaders FOCUS!
“To Don’t ” List
13. Leaders … Set CLEAR DESIGN SPECS.
Danger: S.I.O. (Strategic Initiative Overload)
JackWorld/1@T: (1) Neutron Jack. (Banish bureaucracy JackWorld/1@T: (1) Neutron Jack. (Banish bureaucracy.) (2) “1, 2 or out” Jack. (Lead or leave.) (3) “Workout” Jack. (Empowerment, GE style.) (4) 6-Sigma Jack. (5) Internet Jack. (Throughout) TALENT JACK!
13A. Leaders … Send V-E-R-Y Clear Signals About Design Specs!
Ridin’ with Roger: “What have you done to DRAMATICALLY IMPROVE quality in the last 90 days?”
It’s Relationships, Stupid.
14. Leaders … Understand the Ultimate Power of RELATIONSHIPS.
14A. Leaders Know … Women Roar/ Women Rule.
“AS LEADERS, WOMEN RULE: New Studies find that female managers outshine their male counterparts in almost every measure” Title, Special Report, Business Week, 11.20.00
Women’s Strengths Match New Economy Imperatives: Link [rather than rank] workers; favor interactive-collaborative leadership style [empowerment beats top-down decision making]; sustain fruitful collaborations; comfortable with sharing information; see redistribution of power as victory, not surrender; favor multi-dimensional feedback; value technical & interpersonal skills, individual & group contributions equally; readily accept ambiguity; honor intuition as well as pure “rationality”; inherently flexible; appreciate cultural diversity Source: Judy B. Rosener, America’s Competitive Secret
If It Ain’t Broke … Break It.
15. Leaders … FORGET!/ Leaders … DESTROY!
Forget>“Learn” “The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get the old ones out.” Dee Hock
Forbes100 from 1917 to 1987: 39 members of the Class of ’17 were alive in ’87; 18 in ’87 F100; 18 F100 “survivors” underperformed the market by 20%; just 2 (2%), GE & Kodak, outperformed the market 1917 to 1987. S&P 500 from 1957 to 1997: 74 members of the Class of ’57 were alive in ’97; 12 (2.4%) of 500 outperformed the market from 1957 to 1997. Source: Dick Foster & Sarah Kaplan, Creative Destruction: Why Companies That Are Built to Last Underperform the Market
“Good management was the most powerful reason [leading firms] failed to stay atop their industries. Precisely because these firms listened to their customers, invested aggressively in technologies that would provide their customers more and better products of the sort they wanted, and because they carefully studied market trends and systematically allocated investment capital to innovations that promised the best returns, they lost their positions of leadership.” Clayton Christensen, The Innovator’s Dilemma
Leaders “dump the ones who brung ’em” —Nokia, HP, 3M, PerkinElmer, Corning, etc.
Jim & Tom. Joined at the hip. Not.
16. BUT … Leaders Have to Deliver, So They Worry About “Throwing the Baby Out with the Bathwater.”
“Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don’t, Just Plain Damned “Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don’t, Just Plain Damned.” Subtitle in the chapter, “Own Up to the Great Paradox: Success Is the Product of Deep Grooves/ Deep Grooves Destroy Adaptivity,” Liberation Management (1992)
Axiom (Hypothesis): We have been screwed by Benchmarking … Best Practice … C.I./Kaizen. Axiom (Hypothesis): We need Masters of Discontinuity/ Masters of Ambiguity … in discontinuous/ambiguous times.
Saviors-in-Waiting Disgruntled Customers Upstart Competitors Rogue Employees Fringe Suppliers Wayne Burkan, Wide Angle Vision
CUSTOMERS: “Future-defining customers may account for only 2% to 3% of your total, but they represent a crucial window on the future.” Adrian Slywotzky, Mercer Consultants
The Cracked Ones Let in the Light “Our business needs a massive transfusion of talent, and talent, I believe, is most likely to be found among non-conformists, dissenters and rebels.” David Ogilvy
Employees: “Are there enough weird people in the lab these days. ” V Employees: “Are there enough weird people in the lab these days?” V. Chmn., pharmaceutical house, to a lab director (06.01)
“I would like to think we could attract students with green hair “I would like to think we could attract students with green hair. We will take pink and blue and orange hair, too.” Shirley Tilghman, Princeton
18. Leaders Make [Lotsa] Mistakes – and MAKE NO BONES ABOUT IT!
Sam’s Secret #1!
“Fail faster. Succeed sooner.” David Kelley/IDEO
Read This! Richard Farson & Ralph Keyes: Whoever Makes the Most Mistakes Wins: The Paradox of Innovation
19. Leaders Make … BIG MISTAKES!
“Reward excellent failures. Punish mediocre successes “Reward excellent failures. Punish mediocre successes.” Phil Daniels, Sydney exec (and, de facto, Jack)
No one ever made it into the Business Hall of Fame on a record of “line extensions.”
“Acquisitions are about buying market share “Acquisitions are about buying market share. Our challenge is to create markets. There is a big difference.” Peter Job, CEO, Reuters
1st Law Mktg Physics: OVERT BENEFIT (Focus: 1 or 2 > 3 or 4/“One Great Thing.” Source #1: Personal Passion) 2ND Law: REAL REASON TO BELIEVE (Stand & Deliver!) 3RD Law: DRAMATIC DIFFERENCE (Execs Don’t Get It: “intent to purchase” – 100%; “unique” – 0% to 5%) Source: Jump Start Your Business Brain, Doug Hall
The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it. Michelangelo
21A. Leaders … Make Their Mark / Leaders … Do Stuff That Matters
“I never, ever thought of myself as a businessman “I never, ever thought of myself as a businessman. I was interested in creating things I would be proud of.” —Richard Branson
22. Leaders Push Their Organizations W-a-y Up the Value-added/ Intellectual Capital Chain
The Big Day!
09.11.2000: HP bids $18,000,000,000 for PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting business!
“These days, building the best server isn’t enough “These days, building the best server isn’t enough. That’s the price of entry.” Ann Livermore, Hewlett-Packard
“We want to be the air traffic controllers of electrons “We want to be the air traffic controllers of electrons.” Bob Nardelli, GE Power Systems
Gerstner’s IBM: Systems Integrator of choice. Global Services: $35B Gerstner’s IBM: Systems Integrator of choice. Global Services: $35B. Pledge/’99: Business Partner Charter. 72 strategic partners, aim for 200. Drop many in-house programs/products. (BW/12.01).
“UPS wants to take over the sweet spot in the endless loop of goods, information and capital that all the packages [it moves] represent.” (E.g., UPS Logistics manages the logistics of 4.5M Ford vehicles, from 21 mfg. sites to 6,000 NA dealers)
“No longer are we only an insurance provider “No longer are we only an insurance provider. Today, we also offer our customers the products and services that help them achieve their dreams, whether it’s financial security, buying a car, paying for home repairs, or even taking a dream vacation.”—Martin Feinstein, CEO, Farmers Group
HP. Sun. IBM. GE/PS. GE/IS. (GE/AE. GE/MD. ) UTC. Farmers. Delphi HP. Sun. IBM. GE/PS. GE/IS. (GE/AE. GE/MD.) UTC. Farmers. Delphi. UPS/ FedEx/ Ryder. Springs. Omnicom. IDEO. Accenture. Equity Office Properties. RCI. Etc. Etc.
23. Leaders LOVE the New Technology!
100 square feet
“There’s no use trying,” said Alice “There’s no use trying,” said Alice. “One can’t believe impossible things.” “I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” Lewis Carroll
I’net … … allows you to dream dreams you could never have dreamed before!
24. When It Comes to TALENT … Leaders Always Swing for the Fences!
Message: Some people are better than other people Message: Some people are better than other people. Some people are a helluva lot better than other people.
From “1, 2 or you’re out” [JW] to … “Best Talent in each industry segment to build best proprietary intangibles” [EM] Source: Ed Michaels, War for Talent (05.17.00)
25. Leaders Don’t Create “Followers”: THEY CREATE LEADERS!
Brand You, Big Time! I AM AN ARMY OF ONE
26. Leaders “Win Followers Over”
WHAT AN IDIOT: “Instead of employees being in the driver’s seat, now we’re in the driver’s seat.”
PJ: “Coaching is winning players over.”
27. Leaders LOVE RAINBOWS – for Pragmatic Reasons.
“Diversity defines the health and wealth of nations in a new century “Diversity defines the health and wealth of nations in a new century. Mighty is the mongrel. … The hybrid is hip. The impure, the mélange, the adulterated, the blemished, the rough, the black-and-blue, the mix-and-match – these people are inheriting the earth. Mixing is the new norm. Mixing trumps isolation. It spawns creativity, nourishes the human spirit, spurs economic growth and empowers nations.” G. Pascal Zachary, The Global Me: New Cosmopolitans and the Competitive Edge
28. Leaders … Out Their PASSION!
G.H.: “Create a ‘cause,’ not a ‘business.’ ”
“They [consumer goods company] have acquired a bunch of products, which is what everyone is doing. But what’s the point, the message, the story line, the Big Idea that makes ‘it’ all hang together?” —Exec, major consumer goods company
BZ: “I am a … Dispenser of Enthusiasm!”
30. Leaders Focus on the SOFT STUFF!
“Soft” Is “Hard” —ISOE
Message: Leadership is all about love Message: Leadership is all about love! [Passion, Enthusiasms, Appetite for Life, Engagement, Commitment, Great Causes & Determination to Make a Damn Difference, Shared Adventures, Bizarre Failures, Growth, Insatiable Appetite for Change.] [Otherwise, why bother? Just read Dilbert. TP’s final words: CYNICISM SUCKS.]
The “Job” of Leading.
31. Leaders Know It’s ALL SALES ALL THE TIME.
TP: If you don’t LOVE SALES … find another life TP: If you don’t LOVE SALES … find another life. (Don’t pretend you’re a “leader.”) (See TP’s The Project50.)
31A. Leaders LOVE “POLITICS.”
TP: If you don’t LOVE POLITICS … find another life TP: If you don’t LOVE POLITICS … find another life. (Don’t pretend you’re a “leader.”)
32. But … Leaders Also Break a Lot of China
If you’re not pissing people off, you’re not making a difference!
Characteristics of the “Also rans” Characteristics of the “Also rans”* “Minimize risk” “Respect the chain of command” “Support the boss” “Make budget” *Fortune, article on “Most Admired Global Corporations”
33. Leaders Give … RESPECT!
Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot, Respect “It was much later that I realized Dad’s secret. He gained respect by giving it. He talked and listened to the fourth-grade kids in Spring Valley who shined shoes the same way he talked and listened to a bishop or a college president. He was seriously interested in who you were and what you had to say.” Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot, Respect Army General Melvin Zais said it, in the most moving speech I’ve ever listened to: YOU MUST CARE. Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot’s book … RESPECT … is superb. Yet … THIS ONE THING … particularly stuck with me. You want to … MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Your ideas are wild. You buy my act: Recruit A Freak. Fine! But you … MUST CARE. Your FF [First Freak] is going out on a limb to support you. She will do so … ONLY … if you accord her your utmost respect. #1: HEY, WE’RE CHANGING THE WORLD HERE. #2: HEY, THIS STUFF IS PERSONAL … ABOUT WHO YOU AND I ARE AS HUMAN BEINGS. Please: Re-read the text of the slide.
34. Leaders Say “Thank You.”
“The two most powerful things in existence: a kind word and a thoughtful gesture.” Ken Langone, CEO, Invemed Associates [from Ronna Lichtenberg, It’s Not Business, It’s Personal]
35. Leaders Are … Curious.
35A. Leaders Are … Great Learners.
TP/08.2001: The Three Most Important Letters … WHY?
36. Leadership Is a … Performance.
“It is necessary for the President to be the nation’s No. 1 actor “It is necessary for the President to be the nation’s No. 1 actor.” FDR
37. Leaders … Are The Brand
The BRAND lives (OR DIES) in the “minutiae” of the leader’s moment-to-moment actions.
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” Gandhi
38. Leaders … Have a GREAT STORY!
“A key – perhaps the key – to leadership is the effective communication of a story.” Howard Gardner Leading Minds: An Anatomy of Leadership
Leaders don’t just make products and make decisions Leaders don’t just make products and make decisions. Leaders make meaning. —John Seeley Brown
39. Leaders Seed & Pursue & Recognize (Weird) “Demos.”
40. Leaders Create BUZZ!
REAL Org Change … The Dynamic Demo Dance: Demos/ Models/ Heroes/ Stories/ Storytellers (Props!)/ Chroniclers (Writers, Videographers, Pamphleteers, Etc.)/ Cheerleaders/ Seekers/ Protectors/ Support Groups C.f., Bob Stone, Confessions of an Uncivil Servant
41. Leaders … Enjoy Leading.
“Warren, I know you want to ‘be’ president “Warren, I know you want to ‘be’ president. But do you want to ‘do’ president?”
42. Leaders … KNOW THEMSELVES.
Individuals (would-be leaders) cannot engage in a liberating mutual discovery process unless they are comfortable with their own skin. (“Leaders” who are not comfortable with themselves become petty control freaks.)
42A. But … Leaders have MENTORS.
The Gospel According to TP: Upon having the Leadership Mantle placed upon thine head, thou shalt never hear the unvarnished truth again!* (*Therefore, thy needs one faithful compatriot to lay it on with no jelly.)
43. Leaders … Take Breaks.
Zombie! Zombie! Zombie! Zombie!
The End Game.
44. Leaders ???:
“Hire smart – go bonkers – have grace – make mistakes – love technology – start all over again.”
45. Leaders Know WHEN TO LEAVE!
Tom Peters’ Leadership2002 Leading in Totally Screwed- Up Times