Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM) The application of 1000-ft vertical separation at and above FL290 between aircraft approved to operate in reduced vertical separation minimum airspace. Non-RVSM Aircraft: An aircraft that does not meet RVSM requirements for certification and/or for operator approval. RVSM Aircraft: An aircraft that meets RVSM requirements for certification and for operator approval.
RVSM Airspace (a) RVSM airspace is all airspace within CDA from FL290 to FL410 inclusive as defined in the DAH (TP 1820) and depicted in Figure 12.3.
Aircraft Requirements Two primary altitude reporting systems; One automatic altitude-keeping device; One altitude-alerting device. In addition, while changing altitudes, the altitude holding device must not overshoot an assigned flight level by more than 150 feet. Also, to gain certification for RVSM, each aircraft must overfly a stationary Height Monitoring Unit (HMU) or a portable Ground Monitoring Unit (GMU) unless flight test evidence can be supplied to the regulator that the airframe is compliant with Altimeter System Error (ASE) targets. Aircraft who do not meet the standards are excluded from RVSM airspace except for the purpose of climbing or descending to/from the CVSM airspace above FL410.
In-Flight Procedures (RVSM) Before entering RVSM airspace, the status of required equipment should be reviewed. The following equipment should be operating normally: two independent altitude measurement systems; one automatic altitude control system; and one altitude alert system. The pilot must notify ATC whenever the aircraft: is no longer RVSM-compliant due to equipment failure; experiences loss of redundancy of altimetry systems; or encounters turbulence or mountain wave activity that affects the capability to maintain the cleared flight level.
Non-RVSM Aircraft (a) FLIGHT PRIORITY: RVSM aircraft will be given priority for level allocation over non-RVSM aircraft. Non-RVSM aircraft may be accommodated on a traffic- and workload-permitting basis. (b)The vertical separation minimum between non-RVSM aircraft operating in RVSM airspace and all other aircraft is 2 000 ft. (c) Non-RVSM aircraft may be cleared to climb to and operate above FL410 or descend to and operate below FL290, provided the aircraft is capable of: (i) a continuous climb or descent and does not need to level off at an intermediate altitude for any operational considerations; and (ii) climb or descent at the normal rate for the aircraft.
Non-RVSM Aircraft Cont’d Non-RVSM aircraft may flight plan to operate within RVSM airspace, provided the aircraft: (i) is being delivered to the State of Registry or Operator; (ii) was formerly RVSM-approved, but has experienced an equipment failure and is being flown to a maintenance facility (iii) is being utilized for mercy or humanitarian purposes; (iv) is a photographic survey flight (CDA only). Not applicable for that portion of flight transiting to and from the area(s) of surveying or mapping operations; is conducting flight checks of a NAVAID. This approval is not applicable for that portion of flight transiting to and from the area(s) of flight check operation is conducting a monitoring, certification or developmental flight
Flight Crew and Training for RVSM For a flight crew member to qualify for operations in RVSM airspace, an air operator shall have initial and recurrent approved training programs that ensure that each flight crew member is proficient in the following areas: (a) knowledge of the floor, ceiling and horizontal boundaries of the RVSM airspace to be operated in; (b) rules on exclusion of non-RVSM compliant aircraft;
RVSM CONT’D (c) pilot procedures with respect to: (i) pre-flight and in-flight altimeter checks, (ii) use of the automatic altitude control system, (iii) Minimum Equipment List (MEL) items applicable to RVSM operations, (iv) special procedures for in-flight contingencies, (v) weather deviation procedures, (vi) track offset procedures for wake turbulence and inconsequential collision avoidance systems alerts, and (vii) pilot level-off call; (d) procedures for flight of non-RVSM compliant aircraft for maintenance, humanitarian or delivery flights; and (e) use of ACAS/TCAS.