Magma Is a mixture of molten rock, suspended mineral grains and dissolved gasses Formed when temperatures become high enough to melt rock Most rocks begin to melt around 1472 degrees F to 2192 degrees F 800 degrees C to 1200 degrees F
Magma Where the lithosphere and asthenosphere meet, it gets this hot It is at the flexible plastic-like layer of the lithosphere.
Shield, Cinder and Composite Types of Volcanoes Shield, Cinder and Composite
Shield Volcano
Shield Volcanoes Low viscosity lava flows Low silica magma (mafic) Basalt – 2 types: pahoehoe-having a smooth or billowy surface. A’a’-most common appearance type of lava flows that cool down forming fragmented, rough, sometimes spiny
Shield Volcanoes Gently sloping sides (known as flanks) Tend to be very large Circular at the base Spatter cone is a minor feature
Cinder Cone Volcano
Cinder Cone Steep sides (flanks) Large amounts of silica = thick lava More water, silica and gasses than Shield Volcanoes Because more gasses = more explosive Thick lava gets stuck in the caldera When the pressure builds, it pops the cork and explodes Material ejected high into the sky Short duration – Once it explodes, then it’s over
Composite Volcano
Composite Form when runny lava escapes through a fissure and flows out Tall cone-shaped mountains that are typically steeply-sided, symmetrical cones of large dimensions The essential feature of a composite volcano is a conduit system through which magma from a reservoir deep in the earth's crust rises to the surface. Erupt in different ways at different times.
Composite Most composite volcanoes have a crater at the summit which contains a central vent or a clustered group of vents. Lava either flow through breaks in the crater wall or from fissures on the flanks of the cone. Some composite volcanoes occur in chains. There are many composite volcano chains on earth, notably around the Pacific Rim, known as the "Rim of Fire”
Mt. St. Helens
Mt St. Helens - Before
Mt St. Helens – After
Mt. St. Helens - Before
Mt. St. Helens - After