HCI – Lesson 7 USABILITY Homework Prof. Garzotto
SUBJECT OF THE EVALUATION http://www.rijksmuseum.nl/
WHAT TO DO Activity 1: USABILITY EVALUATION USING MILE+ (TECHNICAL INSPECTION only) Activity 2: EMPIRICAL TESTING (min 5 USERS) Activity 3: REPORTING evaluation results Activity 4: Greenberg&Buxton paper
ACTIVITY 1 Inspection: Define 3-5 relevant scenarios (the site is big) Execute the inspection using MILE+ method TECHNICAL INSPECTION ONLY PLEASE REFER TO THE MILE Report FOR THE LIST OF HEURISTICS USE A 0-5 SCALE TO SCORE HEURISTICS 0= this heuristic is not relevant 1= this heuristic is violated … 5= th Define a severity rate scale (weight) for the importance of each heuristic in your inspection (e.g., 0-1)
ACTIVITY 2 User testing: Design the test (see slides) Conceive the test for ONE user profile Consider profile and the tasks in the scenarios defined for inspection Define clearly which measures you want to take and how Execute the test involving at least 5 users
ACTIVITY 3:Reporting Describe the work done; key information to be included: Inspection: few lines about MILE+ Steps followed (at a glance) heuristics used and their weight Scores of each relevant heuristics (with examples of screenshots and comments why a violation occurred) PROVIDE AGGREGATED DATA, e.g., MEAN VALUE FOR EURISTICS (with score different from zero) BY DIMENSIONS (e.g., a mean for all values of CONTENT HEURISTICS, NAVIGATION HEURISTICS, ect.) PROVIDE VISUAL REPRESENTATIONS OF RESULTS (diagrams, summary tables...) Discuss results and requirements for redesign
ACTIVITY 3:Reporting (cont.) User testing Design of the study (metrics used, data collection method, tasks assigned, how you recruited users, where the test has been carried on...) Results - please provide both analytical and aggregated data (e.g. mean values for the various measures, visual representation of results, ...) Discussion of results Recommendations … (optional Annexes- photos, or any further information you may find usefull)
ACTIVITY 3:Reporting (cont.) AT THE BEGINNING: Cover (1 page) Table of contents WITH PAGE NUM (1 page) Executive Summary (1/2 page) Overview of the Application (max 1 page) AT THE END: FINAL CONSIDERATIONS Final comparisons of the results the 2 evaluations your opinion and judgement about the methods and the work done (what do you think about Mile? About UT? What did you learn from this HM?...)
ACTIVITY 3: Reporting - Remember SEE NOTES This report is the input for a redesign activity You are not asked to propose re-design solutions (but should discuss the requirements for re-design) Your report is for the general manager of the institution (the hypothetical “client” who pays for this work) AND the design manager They both want to have a clear idea of problems and their severity, with proper examples The design manager may need further examples and details (if you want to consider this aspect, include details or examples in an annex
ACTIVITY 3: Reporting - Lengh Maximum length of the report (without annexes), font Times New Roman 11) including images, diagrams, graphs, tables Max 20 pages for MILE+ inspection Max 8 pages for user testing Max 2 pages for final considerations
Activity 4 Read Greenberg&Buxton paper Present the key points of the paper (as done for the previous assignments) For practical reasons, please include this short presentation in the usability report
Delivery deadline of HM1: Nov 24 (postponed) Post on the Beep platform IMPORTANT: file name MUST BE COGNOME-NOME-MAT-HCI-USABILITY HM
Learning resources Slides on MILE+ heuristics Articles (see Resources) User testing MILE+ heuristics Articles (see Resources) ID book chapters: 12, 14, 15, 7 and 8 http://www.id-book.com/secondedition/