MARINE STRATEGY FRAMEWORK DIRECTIVE (MSFD) COMMON IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY Quick win 1: METADATA Developing an overview to allow prioritisation and identification of data used in MSFD Article 8 assessments Document: DIKE – TG2/2012/04 WG-DIKE technical group 03 JULY 2012 Neil Holdsworth, ICES
PROVIDING ACCESS TO UNDERLYING DATA Metadata collections MSFD Metadata Catalogue WG-DIKE technical group 03 JULY 2012 Neil Holdsworth, ICES
WHY USE METADATA? Structured, so it can be queried Overview of coverage/gaps Highlighting commonalities Standards are well established Many national datasets already described Pointer linking MSFD <-> DATA WG-DIKE technical group 03 JULY 2012 Neil Holdsworth, ICES
SPECIFICALLY METADATA WILL INFORM ON Geographical extent Scale and resolution Parameters available Temporal extent Location of data Who manages data WG-DIKE technical group 03 JULY 2012 Neil Holdsworth, ICES
REPORTING METADATA IN MSFD Extend use reporting sheets/database Ensure connection between data and national assessment Assessment and Indicators Underying data (Data collections) WG-DIKE technical group 03 JULY 2012 Neil Holdsworth, ICES
METADATA IN MSFD: 4 FIELDS REQUESTED An Identifier (pointer to record) Metadata type/standard used Metadata datestamp Language encoding 4 fields WG-DIKE technical group 03 JULY 2012 Neil Holdsworth, ICES
WHY HAVE A METADATA CATALOGUE? Overview of information Clear linkages in reporting Catalogues can be linked WG-DIKE technical group 03 JULY 2012 Neil Holdsworth, ICES
WHY HAVE A METADATA CATALOGUE? ISO 19115 Example (GeoNetwork) WG-DIKE technical group 03 JULY 2012 Neil Holdsworth, ICES
SUPPORTING THE MSFD REPORTING COMMISSION/EEA INVITES DISCUSSION ON: MS support to this approach MS contributions to the further technical development MS feedback on metadata standards WG-DIKE technical group 03 JULY 2012 Neil Holdsworth, ICES