Helping Children to Make Good Choices Mrs. Rau Child Development
What does it take to make a good choice? Information A balance between self-confidence and the ability to ask for help. Mental ability to think through the consequences of your choice.
How can YOU help to develop decision making skills in young children? Teach internal control. When speaking to children, ask questions instead of giving a direct response.
Example Aren’t you proud of yourself? Instead of: I’m so proud of you! This type of statement changes the approval from an outside source to an inside one.
Another Example How does that make you feel? Instead of: Great Job! Again, this changes the focus and helps the child become aware of his/her own feelings.
Give children responsibilities. Having a “Job” helps a child to feel like part of the family. Self-responsibility helps to promote self-discipline. These skills are “practice” for making good choices as an adult.
Let children make decisions. Children should be encouraged to learn decision making skills as early as possible. Children can begin making choices as soon as they can communicate! Choices make children feel as if they get a “say” in what is going on, without overwhelming them.
Example “Would you like an apple or some cheese for snack today?” Instead of: “What do you want for snack today?” You are still giving them a choice, but not overwhelming the child. This is good practice for young children.
Let children make mistakes. All people make mistakes, it’s how we handle ourselves in the situation that matters. If you protect children from making mistakes, they will not know how to handle it later in life.
Be compassionate. Acknowledge feelings of sadness, anger, or disappointment that sometimes comes from making decisions. Let children know when you feel those things too!
Classroom Activity In groups of THREE, list four jobs that would be appropriate for toddlers.
Source Taking Control of Their Actions 5 Ways to Encourage Self-Discipline By Lisamarie Sanders