NEW FRANCE 1608-Quebec settlement Samuel de Champlain-nickname Friendly relations with Indians Fur trade Ecological damage to many areas Robert La Salle-Mississippi River to Gulf, named land Louisiana 1718-New Orleans-strategic post, why?
CLASH OF EMPIRES End of 1600s, struggle for North America between England, France, & Spain From 1688-1763, 4 wars fought on both continents 1690-1697 King William’s War 1702-1714 Queen Anne’s War 1739-1748 War of Jenkins Ear (King Georges’ War) 1754-1763-French & Indian War
OHIO VALLEY English Colonists pushing west for farmland French wanted link between their Canadian and Mississippi River settlements French start to build forts 1754-Gov. of Virginia sends George Washington into Ohio Valley with 150 militiamen First meeting with French Build Fort Necessity Surrender July 4, 1754 Immediate cause of French and Indian War
ALBANY PLAN 1754 Delegates from 7 colonies meet with League of the Iroquois in Albany, NY Discuss possible alliance Iroquois leave Colonists discuss plan of union Defense of western lands Native American problem Joint taxation Colonial legislatures don’t accept British would have vetoed Franklin Cartoon 2nd attempt at colonial unity
FRENCH & INDIAN WAR (Seven Years War) Early Years-French victories European fighting v. Guerrilla Warfare British retreat-Washington New Prime Minister-William Pitt More money Better commanders Better weapons & ammunition Deciding Battle 1760-Battle of Quebec Gen. Wolfe v. Gen. Montcalm Surprise attack 15 min. of fighting French surrender
TREATY OF PARIS 1763 France lost all territory on North American mainland England controls all land east of Mississippi River, including Florida Spain controls all land west of Mississippi River and controls New Orleans-free trade for Americans
RESULTS OF FRENCH & INDIAN WAR Americans realized they could fight as well as British soldiers George Washington gained experience as commander No longer need protection, less dependent on England 2nd generation-felt more like Americans than Englishmen
PONTIAC’S REBELLION Smallpox blankets British sends troops Settlers begin moving into Ohio Valley Attacked by Ottawa Alliance-Chief Pontiac Smallpox blankets British sends troops Enacts Proclamation of 1763
PROCLAMATION OF 1763 Parliament prohibited settlements west of the Appalachian Mountains Colonist outraged-whole reason for French & Indian War Ignored proclamation and continued to move west Small act of rebellion?-Does it give license to break laws?