Ardi & Otzi
Stats She was about 4 feet tall Female Close cousin 4.4 million years old Ethiopia 17 years to excavate Sandwiched between two layers of volcanic rock (included habitat) Holds the honor of oldest hominid skeleton
Okay this is about to get gross Here’s your hint (hehe)
Otzi the Ice Man!!!
This is how they found him
Iceman stats Nickname Otzi because he was found in the Otztaler Alps Well preserved some internal organs survived. About 45 years old 1.6 meters high Died around 3,190 BC or BCE Found things like arrows with flintstone and a copper hatchet Found in 1991 he is kept frozen and often researched
Okay last gross picture
Brainstorm What can modern man learn from studying these ancient remains? Come up with 5 different reasons… What would you hope that people 5000 years from now would learn about you?