Effectively Use Grabbers How to Effectively Use Grabbers
Attention Grabbers are designed to intrigue your audience and to make them want to continue reading your writing piece.
You can do this by… using an anecdote- a brief story that relates to the topic using a rhetorical question designed to arouse curiosity without requiring an answer using an unexpected fact or statistic to shock your audience using a Word With Thought (definition) Once you have the attention of the audience, introduce the topic and state your thesis.
Prompt Use what you have learned from reading “A Dream Deferred” and “Imagine This Was Your School” to write an essay that analyzes how each author displayed the theme of sacrifice.
Anecdote Last year, my sister and I wanted new dolls. My mom said we could only buy one so I told my mom to buy one for my sister. After receiving horrible news that our mom lost her job, I knew our dreams of getting new Barbies were going to walk right out the door. Being the older and wiser sibling, I was aware that my mom could not afford dolls for each of us. A hard decision had to be made. A new Malibu Barbie was all I thought about, but I was willing to put my sister’s feelings before mine. She should get the doll. It was a sacrifice worth making.
Rhetorical Question Have you ever made a sacrifice? When was the last time you gave up something you loved in order to benefit someone else?
Fact or Statistic 50% of middle schoolers have experienced sacrifice. In a recent survey of middle school students, 40% of students revealed that they have made a sacrifice that led to a positive change in the lives of others.
Word with Thought or Definition Sacrifice. Sacrifice is giving something up. Sacrifice. Sacrifice is defined as risking it all for the greater good. Sacrifice is putting others before your own needs. Sacrifice is being selfless.