Ritchie County Schools Parent Confidentiality Training
MOST IMPORTANT: THERE’S A JOB FOR EVERYONE Protect the Instructional Process! It is important that our volunteers are not disrupting the learning of others. We appreciate your help and want it to be useful for all of us!
IN THE CLASSROOM Supervising students with stations Working with special projects Preparing Materials Volunteering to read to the class
WORKING WITH ONE OR JUST A FEW Suggestions may include: Reviewing skills Working on/completing missed assignments Supervising group projects Practicing math facts or spelling words
SCHOOL-WIDE ASSISTANCE Share your career or hobby Set up a reading club Work in the library, office (if approved by principal and secretary) Work on yearbook, homeroom lists Work on fund-raiser Other duties assigned by principal
BE CREATIVE! We are always looking for volunteers that would be interested in helping with Art- special holiday or special art projects Drama – plays or creative dance Cultural Projects – Christmas Around the World Music – share an instrument or teach a song
OFF LIMITS!!! Confidential discussion.... remove yourself quietly Discipline of students Secretary's desk/computer areas Watch discussions around students Emergency card notebook Student files/records Student tests Teacher grade book Student discipline slips/records Special Education records/IEPs No grading papers
NO DISCUSSION OF STUDENTS With other teachers that do not have the student in class With other people in the community With other school personnel/secretaries/aides With family members
NO TAKING PHOTOGRAPHS OF STUDENTS Without direction of principal Without parental consent under the direction of principal
Showing a Child You Care… “Thumbs up” A big smile Specific genuine praise Asking questions Helping them with a task.
Points to Ponder When Volunteering How do I want to spend my time? Should I volunteer in my own child’s classroom? How much time do I want to give consistently? Are there things I can do at home? What if it does not work out?
________________________________ Thank you for viewing the PowerPoint. Please sign the line below stating you have completed Parent Confidentiality Training and return to school with your child. ________________________________