Symbiotic Routing in Future Data Centers Hussam Abu-Libdeh, Paolo Costa, Antony Rowstron, Greg OShea, Austin Donnelly Cornell University Microsoft Research Cambridge 1
Data center networking Network principles evolved from Internet systems Multiple administrative domains Heterogeneous environment But data centers are different Single administrative domains Total control over all operational aspects Re-examine the network in this new setting 2
Performance Isolation Bandwidth Fault Tolerance Graceful Degradation Scalability TCO Commodity Components Modular Design Rethinking DC networks New proposals for data center network architectures DCell, BCube, Fat-tree, VL2, PortLand … Network interface has not changed! Network Interface 3
Challenge The network is a black box to applications Must infer network properties Locality, congestion, failure …etc Little or no control over routing Applications are a black box to the network Must infer flow properties E.g. Traffic engineering/Hedera In consequence Todays data centers and proposals use a single protocol Routing trade-offs made in an application-agnostic way E.g. Latency, throughput, …etc 4
CamCube A new data center design Nodes are commodity x86 servers with local storage Container-based model 1,500-2,500 servers Direct-connect 3D torus topology Six Ethernet ports / server Servers have (x,y,z) coordinates Defines coordinate space Simple 1-hop API Send/receive packets to/from 1-hop neighbours Not using TCP/IP Everything is a service Run on all servers Multi-hop routing is a service Simple link state protocol Route packets along shortest paths from source to destination 5 (0,2,0) x y z
Development experience Built many data center services on CamCube E.g. High-throughput transport service Desired property: high throughput Large-file multicast service Desired property: low link load Aggregation service Desired property: distribute computation load over servers Distributed object cache service Desired property: per-key caches, low path stretch 6
Per-service routing protocols Higher flexibility Services optimize for different objectives High throughput transport disjoint paths Increases throughput File multicast non-disjoint paths Decreases network load 7
What is the benefit? Prototype Testbed 27 servers, 3x3x3 CamCube Quad core, 4 GB RAM, six 1Gbps Ethernet ports Large-scale packet-level discrete event simulator 8,000 servers, 20x20x20 CamCube 1Gbps links Service code runs unmodified on cluster and simulator 8
Service-level benefits High throughput transport service 1 sender 2000 receivers Sequential iteration 10,000 packets/flow 1500 bytes/packet Metric: throughput Shown: custom/base ratio 9
Service-level benefits Large-file multicast service 8,000-server network 1 multicast group Group size: 0% 100% of servers Metric: # of links in multicast tree Shown: custom/base ratio 10
Service-level benefits Distributed object cache service 8,000-server network 8,000,000 key-object pairs Evenly distributed among servers 800,000 lookups 100 lookups per server Keys picked by Zipf distribution 1 primary + 8 replicas per key Replicas unpopulated initially Metric: path length to nearest hit 11
Network impact Ran all services simultaneously No correlation in link usage Reduction in link utilization Take-away: custom routing reduced network load and increased service-level performance 12
Symbiotic routing relations Multiple routing protocols running concurrently Routing state shared with base routing protocol Services Use one or more routing protocols Use base protocol to simplify their custom protocols Network failures Handled by base protocol Services route for common case 13 Network Base Routing Protocol Routing Protocol 1Routing Protocol 2Routing Protocol 3 Service AService B Service C
Building a routing framework Simplify building custom routing protocols Routing: Build routes from set of intermediate points Coordinates in the coordinate space Services provide forwarding function F Framework routes between intermediate points Use base routing service Consistently remap coordinate space on node failure Queuing: Services manage packet queues per link Fair queuing between services per link 14 packet local coord next coord
Example: cache service Distributed key-object caching Key-space mapped onto CamCube coordinate space Per-key caches Evenly distributed across coordinate space Cache coordinates easily computable based on key 15
Cache service routing Routing Source nearest cache or primary On cache miss: cache primary Populate cache: primary cache F function computed at Source Cache Primary Different packets can use different links Accommodate network conditions E.g. congestion 16 source/querier nearest cache primary server
On link failure Base protocol routes around failure On replica server failure Key space consistently remapped by framework F function does not change Developer only targets common case Framework handles corner cases Handling failures 17 source/querier nearest cache primary server
Cache service F function protected override List F(int neighborIndex, ulong currentDestinationKey, Packet packet) { List nextKeys = new List (); ulong itemKey = LookupPacket.GetItemKey(packet); ulong sourceKey = LookupPacket.GetSourceKey(packet); if (currentDestinationKey == sourceKey) // am I the source? { // get the list of caches (using KeyValueStore static method) ulong[] cachesKey = ServiceKeyValueStore.GetCaches(itemKey); // iterate over all cache nodes and keep the closest ones int minDistance = int.MaxValue; foreach (ulong cacheKey in cachesKey) { int distance = node.nodeid.DistanceTo(LongKeyToKeyCoord(cacheKey)); if (distance < minDistance) { nextKeys.Clear(); nextKeys.Add(cacheKey); minDistance = distance; } else if (distance == minDistance) nextKeys.Add(cacheKey); } } else if (currentDestinationKey != itemKey) // am I the cache? nextKeys.Add(itemKey); return nextKeys; } 18 extract packet details if at source, route to nearest cache or primary if cache miss, route to primary
Framework overhead Benchmark performance Single server in testbed Communicate with all six 1-hop neighbors (Tx + Rx) Sustained 11.8 Gbps throughput Out of upper bound of 12 Gbps User-space routing overhead 19
What have we done Services only specify a routing skeleton Framework fills in the details Control messages and failures handled by framework Reduce routing complexity for services Opt-in basis Services define custom protocols only if they need to 20
Network requirements Per-service routing not limited to CamCube Network need only provide: Path diversity Providing routing options Topology awareness Expose server locality and connectivity Programmable components Allow per-service routing logic 21
Conclusions Data center networking from the developers perspective Custom routing protocols to optimize for application-level performance requirements Presented a framework for custom routing protocols Applications specify a forwarding function (F) and queuing hints Framework manages network state, control messages, and remapping on failure Multiple routing protocols running concurrently Increase application-level performance Decrease network load 22
Thank You! Questions? 23
Cache service Insert throughput Disk I/O bounded Ingress bandwidth bounded (3 front-ends) 24
Cache service Lookup requests/second Ingress bandwidth bounded 25
Cache service CPU Utilization on FEs 3 front-ends 27 front-ends 26
Camcube link latency 27