Green solutions
Industrialization brings economic development and improves prospects for human well-being. Industrial waste consists of a wide variety of non-hazardous,innocuous materials as well as toxic and hazardous substances.
Defining Hazardous Waste
Corrosiveness Ignitability Reactivity Toxicity Hazardous wastes are waste materials that have one or more of the following characteristics: Describes poisonous substances that can cause death or serious injury to living organisms by interfering with their physiology. Describes materials like acids or alkalis that can burn human tissue or corrode metals. Describes substances that may catch fire. Corrosiveness Describes materials that are unstable, tend to react spontaneously, explode or can create toxic fumes. Ignitability Reactivity Toxicity
Managing Hazardous Industrial Waste
Effective ways of dealing with hazardous industrial waste include minimizing the waste by producing less or none of it, recycling it wherever possible, treating it to reduce its hazards volume, disposing of it in secured landfills and, as a last resorts, incinerating it. Laws have been passed to impose heavy penalties on the improper disposal of hazardous wastes and encourage industries to generate less hazardous wastes in their manufacturing processes.
Thank's For Your Attention... Elizabeth ErNi CLaRe
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