FNAL module testing summary 7 modules are produced in December-January Sensors were selected to have current below 1.5 mm Module 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 sensors # of bad channels 5 (72,74,82,511,512) 1 (333) 1 (232 -Istrip) 2 (143) (201 – Istrip) 1 (202) 1 (281 - Istrip) Information Current (mA) 4.0 3.6 3.5 3.2 5 (72,74,82,511,512) 2 (143, 486) Grade A After Long term ok 278 (noisy) Additional information PH (#512) repaired Metallization problem Pinhole #486 pulled 01/15/2004 E. Chabalina CMS Tracker meeting
Module 705 before LT After assembly module was tested (09/08) on ARCS at 400 V and graded “B” (6 faulty channels). No problems observed. 01/15/2004 E. Chabalina CMS Tracker meeting
Module 705: LT data Data was taken only at 20°C on Sept.19 (10 days after the first test). A group of high noise channels is seen around channel 219 and increased CMN in chip #2 01/15/2004 E. Chabalina CMS Tracker meeting
Module 705 after LT - I Module was re-tested on ARCS on 09/23. High noise in channel #219 and high CMN is observed at 400 V. At 200 V channel #219 has only slightly higher noise than the rest of the channels 01/15/2004 E. Chabalina CMS Tracker meeting
Module 705 after LT - II On ARCS kept module at 400 V for 30 minutes before testing (to allow current settle down) CMN did not go away, it became even higher 01/15/2004 E. Chabalina CMS Tracker meeting
Module 705: comparison of IV curves ”before” measurement is taken on 09/08 on ARCS before LT “after” measurement is taken on 09/23 on ARCS after LT green curve is a measurement done using Keithley on 09/24 with 1 minute interval between steps No visual defects are observed on the sensors around noisy channel #219 at this point we can’t conclude whether the effect we observe is due to thermocycling or it is just time effect 01/15/2004 E. Chabalina CMS Tracker meeting
Changes since October 2003: Upgraded from Lt_1_10 to Lt_1_22 Installed F-MUX, TPO, NIM2LVDS Fixed Electrometers readout Mounted thermal and hum. sensors to foam walls inside cold box Less sections in ‘lt.xml’ are using ‘simulation = “yes” ‘ More people are trained to operate Lt stand (2 grad. students, 2 technicians) Ready to thermocycle 10 modules at one time, ready to run 10-14 hours scenario with 3 thermal cycles, PedRun, CalRun, IVRun. 01/15/2004 E. Chabalina CMS Tracker meeting