Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA+) Dr. Becky Verzinski, Assistant Vice President for Assessment Center for Academic Programs Assessment (CAPA), Office of the Provost 10 th Annual Grants Expo and Research Day RESULTS The data in the table below represents student performance in written communication and critical thinking skills based on the PT writing rubric. Table 1: CLA+ Performance Task Results 2014-2017 INTRODUCTION The CLA helps institutions estimate their contributions to the development of students’ higher order thinking skills as overall evidence of critical thinking and written communication competencies. METHODS The CLA+ Performance Task (PT) presents students with a real-world situation that requires a purposeful written response where they address an issue, propose a solution to the problem, and recommend a course of action to resolve a conflict by utilizing the documents provided in the online library. Students have 60 minutes to write a strong argument demonstrating critical analysis and problem solving, writing effectiveness, and writing mechanics. One hundred freshmen and one hundred seniors were tested each year to examine the value-added growth for BSU students. CONCLUSION Overall the scores demonstrate the expected growth for BSU students over the course of their academic career. Although the scores are lower for freshmen in AY 2016-17, the results also show that nearly 80% of seniors reached the desired basic to advanced mastery level. DISCUSSION The results of the three-year CLA+ assessment triangulates the results of other national standardized assessments where BSU students are at the expected national mean for similar institutions. In fall 2016, freshmen scores were lower than expected; spring 2017 senior scores were the highest since testing began in 2014. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS CAPA would like to thank the many faculty members who volunteered their class time for the CLA assessment. 2014-15 Analysis & Problem Solving Effective Writing Writing Mechanics Freshmen 71% 81% 93% Seniors 79% 87% 91% 2015-16 77% 94% 76% 75% 90% 2016-17 65% 66% 89% 97% % Below Mastery Level % Basic to Advanced Level Overall Score 48% 52% 981 26% 74% 1033 46% 54% 991 27% 73% 1010 960 22% 1037