PEPPo Weekly Status Meeting February 16, 2011 & 6MSD Planning Meeting February 23, 2011 Part 1 – Technical summary of layout Part 2 – Month-by-Month Installation Logic Part 3 – System-by-System Labor Estimate Joe Grames (v3.0 – 2/16/11)
PEPPo Experiment Layout = Composed of 4 regions Region 1 - e- beam to target Region 2 - e+ spectrometer Region 3 - diagnostic line Region 4 - Compton polarimeter Part 1 – Technical summary of layout
Region 1 - e- beam to target 5-port vacuum chamber design in process machine shop fabricate Dipole magnet (not captured) use (pre)existing magnetic measurement Vacuum valve valve + control channel + software BPMs (2) fabricate can + weld antennae cables + electronics + software Steering Coils (4) Haimson H/V – on-hand Trim 1 Amp (4) + cables + software Cross #1 (Diagnostic) viewer + viewer channel + camera + video channel + cables Ion pump + HV supply + cable Cross #2 (Target) Target ladder + motion + cable Video channel + cable Ion pump + HV supply + cable Girder layout fabricate girder channel + pedestals Alignment of elements on girder upstairs Alignment of dipole + girder in tunnel
Region 2 – e+ spectrometer RearFront Positron Spectrometer Solenoid (1) + Dipole Pair (1) MOU w/ Princeton signed February, ship from SLAC March Each magnet requires cooling + power supply + cables Magnetic measurement Vacuum chamber supplied by SLAC Design + fab support table for magnets Alignment of magnets to table upstairs Alignment of table in tunnel
Region 3 – diagnostic line Cross #1 Viewer + viewer channel + camera + video channel + cable Ion pump + HV supply + cable Solenoid on nipple Spare INJTWF magnet (on-site) Add original cooling circuit Fab two end plates w/ larger ID Magnet cooling Power supply Magnet measurement Cross #2 Target ladder (tungsten foil + viewer) + cable + software Camera + video channel + cable Ion pump + HV supply + cable Thin vacuum windows Annihilation Counter (not shown in drawing) Idaho State University (due summer) HV + signal cables + small lead shield P1 silicon Detector (not shown in drawing) Collaborator TBD Air-side diagnostic (4 cables) Table or small girder Alignment of elements on girder upstairs Alignment of girder in tunnel?
Region 4 – Compton polarimeter Analyzing Magnet + Tungsten Target Loaned from DESY (in EEL lab) LCW magnet cooling Power Supply magnet measurement Align magnet to support table Array of 9 CsI crystals (DESY) + PMTs (LPSC) Assembled at LPSC, ship to JLAB in April PMT cable pull (HV + signal) Support table (completed) Crane table to injector Lead shielding 250 lead bricks (10,000 lb) At JLAB (ISB) => crane to tunnel
MonthRegion 1Region 2Region 3Region 4 February (Design) Design evaluation Ship spectrometer & vacuum chamber from SLAC to JLAB Design evaluation Assembly at LPSC March (Design/Fab) Complete design Start fab/acquire hardware Receive hardware & QA. Design evaluation Start MFG mod Complete design Test PMTs, fab patch Analyzer magnet mapping April (Design/Fab) End fab/acquire hardware Map spectrometer Complete design Start fab/acquire hardware End MFG mod Complete full assembly and test May (Fab) Assemble beam line Pre-align Map 5MeV dipole Start table fab & vac chamber mods Map MFG End fab/acquire hardware Ship polarimeter from LPSC to JLAB Lead bricks to tunnel June (Fab) Install 5-way port at INJ Install 5MeV dipole at INJ End table fab & vac chamber mods Assemble spectrometer Pre-align Assemble beam line Pre-align QA polarimeter at JLAB DAQ integration testing July (Fab/Install) Move girder to INJ Install + vacuum connect Align Move spectrometer to INJ Install + vacuum connect Align Move diagnostic line to INJ Install + vacuum connect Align Move polarimeter INJ Install + vacuum connect Align August (Install) Cabling + connections Cabling + Connection Cabling + connections September (Float) Float October (Commission) Ready to commission Part 2 – Month-by-Month Installation Logic
Designer – continued level of support through August (total 12 pw) minor evolution of layout, design/integration of beam line components, provide drawings for shop, specs for materials, help QA assembly and installation Machine shop – fabricate and/or modify about dozen parts, mainly vacuum + some magnet 5-port vacuum chamber, BPM cans, few nipples, thin vacuum window, any mods to spectrometer vacuum chamber, add cooling circuit to solenoid, fabricate solenoid return yoke Magnetic measurement –Map 5 magnets from March to May (typ. 1-2 days/magnet => 5-10 days) 2 focusing solenoids + 1 spectrometer + 1 target solenoid + 5MeV dipole Installation – a handful of ½ days to move equipment & installation at INJ Move 4 girders + 2 pallets of lead to INJ Penetration open for cable pull Alignment – 1 week of integrated alignment April-June and handful of days July-August for installation Pre-align components to support girder/table for regions 1-3 in survey lab Final alignment of support fixtures for regions 1-4 at injector EES-DC & EES-IC – assuming each element is a person-week, I estimate 20 person-weeks (4) 1 Amp trims for steering coils (4) Bulk supplies for big magnets (1) Valve, (2) Viewers, (4) video, (2) target ladder Cable pulls Software – assuming one person is always doing something July-August, I estimated 8 person weeks Integration of about 25 different standard hardware elements (magnet, valve, viewer, BPM, video, ladder) Modest support via ACE for DAQ Part 3 – System-by-System Labor Estimate