Reporting tools updates & prefilling


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Presentation transcript:

Reporting tools updates & prefilling February 14, 2018 17th meeting of WG DIKE, Brussels Reporting tools updates & prefilling

Reporting tools – updates performed (Dec17-Jan18) Schema Indicators: Class order changed Datasets URLs changed to “voidable”

Reporting tools – updates performed (Dec17-Jan18) Schema ART8_GES: New values added to enumerations GESextentUnit, GESAchieved and Parameters New field in class CriteriaValues: ApplicableTo GESthreshold renamed to GESextentThreshold

Reporting tools – updates performed (Dec17-Jan18) Webforms Developed in a test environment: Validation, Html view and Merge tools User’s guidance Smart drop-down lists developed for GEScomponent-Feature Mandatory fields marked with a * MRUs provided by Member States until 31 January available Database Description of the fields (as in the webforms) One prefilled database per country (most of the validations have been removed to allow the prefilling) Prefilling ART9_GES and ART10_Targets with 2012 information: problem related to the harvesting from CDR solved. Indication of file name from where the information has been extracted Update of CFP assessments (Indicators and ART8_GES schemas) OSPAR and HELCOM indicators (Indicators schema) HELCOM indicators (ART8_GES schema)

Reporting tools – planned updates (April-June) Schema ART8_GES (TO BE AGREED BY WG DIKE): In the training, suggestion to change codes of CriteriaStatus and ElementStatus: currently the codes to be reported under these two fields are “Good”, “Not Good” and “Unknown”. It was asked to rename them, since this may be misunderstood as “In GES”, “Not in GES”. Therefore, the proposal is to change them to “Threshold values achieved”, “Threshold values not achieved”. Webforms Smart drop-down lists developed for Element-ElementCode-ElementCodeSource with JRC lists (species, habitats and contaminants) Update of MRUs provided by Member States after 31 January Prefilling To update and make available files with assessments extracted from WFD Update of HELCOM files with updated indicators information Development and implementation of QAs in ReportNet Development of conversion tool Access→XML

TEST PHASE (15 February-21 March) Testing of reporting tools: webforms, database and prefilled files All prefilled files are available in the MSFD reporting resources page Fake uploads to CDR can be done in, under the following folders: European Union (EU), obligations Marine Strategy Framework Directive: Article 17 (updates) 2018 Reporting – Articles 8, 9 and 10, and related geographic areas MSFD - Article 4 - Spatial data MSFD - Articles 8, 9 and 10 - Text reports MSFD - Articles 8, 9 and 10 - XML data Feedback is very much welcome. Please provide it by writing to: (indicate in Subject: [web forms testing]). If you have problems with a file, you can upload it to cdrtest and refer to it in your message to helpdesk

Steps forward TEST PHASE: 15 February-21 March Updates of the reporting tools and guidance: 21 March-6 April Reporting guidance sent to MSCG for approval: 23-24 April Webinar on the use of reporting tools: mid May (date tbc) 15 July: REPORTING STARTS MSFD Helpdesk: ready to help! 